Chapter 11

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Stan Edgar is walking through the halls on vought tower, it was very late, he usually doesn't stay as dark as this day but today was an exception. Striding with every step he does as if he was more important than anyone in the building, though many would agree with that statement. Eventually he stops approaching Madelyn Stillwell who she hershel was talking to translucent, queen maeve and silver sable about a topic Stan already knew. Queen Maeve spotting a new deep blackened eye from fighting just earlier that day.

Though the presence of Edgar had caused madelyn to stop speaking to the heroes only for Edgar to say.

"It's okay, pretend I'm not here for the moment".

Reluctantly she continued "the car will be waiting for you outside, and Maeve great work today, i appreciate you all for taking the extra time out of your schedules to help vought and new york".

Queen maeve scoffs as the three got out of vought tower to the car that was just as they were told was waiting for them, the car wasn't flashy, it was built to be inconspicuous. Tinted windows, hybrid to not generate any noice, a car nobody would expect to have 3 of the most famous heroes of America. The 3 approached the car seeing the driver get out and open the door for them, they get in as the driver drove away.

Edgar and Stillwell were alone in the corridor,  Edgar speaking.

"You know that idea you pitched".

"Yeah... just forget about it, I mean in thus climate currently we shouldn't post any shows for at least a few months".

"No... I think the earliest you can get shooting the better, people need hope and to see a bunch of young people standing up for peace and justice might just motivate people to continue believing in us".

"I'm sorry Mr Edgar". Stillwell said only to be intruped by Edgar.

"Call me Stan, madelyn, we've been coworkers for years to the point we might even be considered friends".

"Okay Stan... I just can't believe that's your only reasoning, what do you think are the benefits of having this show".

"You always were smart, but my reasonings are mine alone, just remember whose the boss here".

"Yes, stan" Madelyn said.

She wondered off to make the calls for the show to be produced as earlier as possible, Stan after his discussion had returned to his office continue to think.

Meanwhile translucent begins to talk to the girls next to him.

"So silver, will you be free after this".

"Wow I'm surprised you asked me directly instead of the usual stalking you do".

"What can I say, it gets old very quick". He says as he turns invisible however unlike how he usually turns invisible where his clothes stay visible it also turned invisible alongside him, with maeve making a disinterested comment.

"Well, that's new, what's that about" referring to his costume.

"It's something new the lab has been creating, using cells from my fore skin they created this suit which camouflages with me, you know a kid came up with it... kids these days are getting smarter".

With this revelation maeve and sable moved themselves a bit away from him, laughter was heard from translucent.

"Did it have to be made out of your d**k" Maeve said.

"Nah, I actually requested it to be", translucent answered.

"You Americans never cease to amaze me". Sable spoke.

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