Chapter 12 New discoveries

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Peter woke up, his eyes opening to reveal his usual blurred vision, by instinct is hands stretches to is desk next to his bed to get his glasses. The glasses are cranked due to incident that happened he just left them where they were, pausing frustrated about the memories of what happened yesterday, he was embarrassed and devastated that anyone would have seen him that way just because of getting trumped by a few teenagers.

He stared at the window seeing the sun pierce through his curtains he uses is strength to get out of bed, now feeling the covers he had on were basically soaked from sweat. With Peters first thoughts were that he had rather peed the bed instead, thankfully he saw the pit stains under his arms. Peter got up realising that most if not all the pain he had experienced at oscorp and being dragged back home had seeminly gone or at least was nothing compared to it. His calf didn't even feel like it was injured, Peter was happy for at least he was not in any physical pain, starting to walk now more cheerful about the events only for a sharp pain to hit his head leading to Peter's collapsing onto a book shelf making alot of noice. Only seconds pass for his uncle bashed into his door, bags under his eyes for the lack of sleep from both of Peters wounds as well as his usual work and volunteering.

"Pete are you alright". Ben says.

"Yeah". Peter said standing back he was just about to say more when his stomach began growling for food.

"Come on, May will make breakfast, me and her were worried sick, here let me help". Uncle Ben approached Peter helping him to living room, Peter sat of the sofa while May had began making egg and toast nothing special but something nutritious for him quick and fast.

"What time is it" Peter questioned his eyes adjusting to the light.

"11... you were out for about 14 hours slugger" Ben said looking at a clock which Peter couldn't see the numbers if he had tried.

Minutes later may had come through basically sprinting to Peter holding his breakfast with a drink of orange juice.

"You don't have to run... I'm not dying" Peter said with a smile.

Once Peter eat the meal, taking much quicker than he'd usually eat, but come to think of it he's never been deprived of food for as long neither has he ever felt this hungry. His stomach was like a black hole sucking up any food that may had given, Ben looking both stunned, impressed and almost disgusted with Peter consuming over 1900 calories in one sitting. Eventually Peter railed back his gut full and fully satisfied, releasing the worst sounding burp of all time.

"I don't know what to say" Ben stated.

"You feeling better Peter" may asked not even caring about the food.

If Peter were to be honest after that large meal he's strangly felt the best he's ever felt, his limps felt easier to move his legs had no pain in them, his back wasnt as stiff as it once was and his head is clear. Moments later a knock was heard from the door, before the Parker's could respond someone opened the door yelling.

"Just me, Mr, Mrs P" it was the voice of Harry.

Harry was welcomed by May and Ben as if he's done this before, once Harry saw Peter he rushed over to him holding onto Peters bag.

"You alright dude, you look like sh-" Harry stopped himself knowing that adults were in the room, before continuing " terrible, and you smell worse, dude take a shower" he finished in a joking tone, making Peter smile a bit.

"Doing just fine Harry, even better, needed that cat nap... but your completely right, I reek, imma go take a shower".

"Good, Ben forgot to grab your bag so I came by to drop it off".

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