Chapter 17 Confession

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Peter is seen in his room, it was 12am on the weekends, he was currently on the floor doing abb exercises, movements that would have been difficult to do before was so much easier for Peter he didn't actually feel any burn or discomfort from the repetitive motion he was copying from a YouTube tutorial. For Peter there wasn't any fatigue as well, there was no strain on his muscles, it seems his stamina has been greatly amped from the trip in oscorp. Deciding to do more harder body weight exercises he began doing calisthenics work outs all of which was found using his phone and computer. Like his pervious attempts for Peter it was like nothing, he surely wasn't perfect, his balance could use work but whenever he was about to fall a strange feeling in his head had automatically made him not be able to fall.

Peter smiled enjoying his powers once again, looking at his phone being careful to not get his fingers stuck to the screen he browsed the Internet in incognito mode not wanting any one to find out his abilities. When he did get that he searched up incidents related to oscorp finding websites filled with theories about green goblin being connected to Oscorp an idea that Peter didn't share remotely. Besides that Oscorp have been looking into genetically altered animals that was looking at clinical trails on regenerative for patients suffering from a number of diseases, illnesses and injuries, however a trial hasn't been conducted as Oscorp is currently looking for ways to make it safe for humans.

Peters immediately thoughts is that he must have been exposed to something like that to gain powers, looking at a random scientific journal that Oscorp had funded had shown a name Peter recognise. It was his dad, the thoughts of his parent had dampened his mood, remembering every moment of his parents regardless of how small it was. Crossing the journal off his tabs Peter continued the research having realized that other people around the city were getting powers beside himself.

Doing research in that Peter discovered many more theories about Vought and Oscorp using different drugs to produce supes, and that a reason why this is all happening is due to a leak. Thinking for a moment Peter didn't know what to think.

"The world is so complicated" Peter shouts in his head putting his feet up on his desk he continues on his research now about incidents involving supe related crimes.

This was when a heading has caught Peters attention.
"Good guy with gun saves homeless shelter from super villains".

Knowing where this story was heading Peter clicked on the link sending him to a Web page to a popular "new" website of Vought news Network. Peter sees a video clip explaining the what happened, on the video was Cameron Coleman.

"Just yesterday (date here), a man who wants to remain anonymous had used a legally owned purchased firearm to halt a super villain activities preventing at least 15 casualties, the villain however wasn't completely stopped by the good samartian with the help of blue hawk the villain is current in custody... but I do have to state, if it wasn't for that man with the gun stalling for time for the heroes to get there the situation would have been worse. This is why a complete gun ban would do nothing but harm this country, remember folks inspire to be like the heroes of Vought, brave and strong, Coleman out".

Peter couldn't help but cringe, blue hawk didn't do anything, and why push politics now when a huge crisis is occuring, Peter pretty frustrated now. That was when Peter got out his bed he went down stairs being stopped by Ben and mays voice, they were quiet but since Peters accident Peters senses have been increased when he focuses. Wanting to know what his guardian figures are talking about he tried listening into their conversation.

"I don't know what we're gonna do Ben".

"It's okay May we'll think of something, we always do, I'm lucky I at least got a email about it rather than getting one weeks later like alot of people".

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