Chapter 3

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Flash Thompson and a few of his friend, traditional bully types of the school were behind the school building of mid town high, they were either smoking cigarettes or vaping. Flash had a cigarette between his finger, whenever he did smoke he didn't have any satisfaction in doing it, no buzz, sensation that carved another, he did it to fit in, did it to be more cool than he would be.

Along side Flash was a muscular teenager with dirty blonde hair he was fanning away the vapour and smoke, not wanting the fumes to be in his body. The teenage male was sitting, he putted his hands in his bag pulling out 5 tickets, on the tickets were two figures, two well known heroes, electro, the electric hero well known to be a part of the speculator 6, and A train the current fastest man, member of the grant 7.

Flash smiled "can't believe you got tickets for the blasted show, you wasting what 1000 bucks to see a couple of blurs, Fred".

Fred the blonde haired teenager grinned sarcastically, "well it was a gift from my dad for doing so well on school, he knew I like these sort of things, you know super heroes, so he pulled some strings, and no for a matter of fact they only costed a deals worth of 950".

The bullies began laughing at this remark and finished there respective drugs. Each bully grabbed a ticket with little regard, Fred leaned in to give a ticket to Flash, who looked at it.

"Sorry, can't, working".

Fred winced "come on, just blow it off".

"Can't, I'm already in deep s**t with my manager, I'll get fired if I take another day off".

Fred after a while put two tickets back into his bag yawned loudly.

Fred proclaims "That's okay, it's not like you'll miss anything, I already know whose going to win".

"And who'll think who wins then".

"Easy by simple friend, it's easily electro, he's electricity, A-train should have been grateful Elector decided racing him now and not a few years back, anyway electro is winning, A train to old the only possible way if he'll win is by taking steroids but something's telling me he's already been doping in the last decade, but you know what flash".

Flash responds interested in what his 'friend' is going to say.

"Your power of teleportation works by turning into light, then to a point of your focus you transport there, that makes you the fastest being on this planet, but you can't go around laps though so you'll lose by in a traditional race".

One of the bullies "you know you're sounding like a real nerd now".

Fred smiles brightly "a nerd that's the best football player around, well expect for anyone whose a supe that is, by the way Eugene I think it's complete bulls**t that you were dropped".

"I don't really blame them if I'm going to be honest almost killed the last guy that I tackled, I'm becoming to strong these days".

"There's no such thing as to much power, someone like me and you for example, we have no limit in this world, we can do whatever we want, and the world will celebrate it, just think of the possibilities".

There was an awkward silence until a loud voice was heard by a older man.


Everyone attention was riveted to a older man with dark skin, mid towns football coach known as Julius Dell.

Flash announced "Mr Dell, how are you this fine after noon"

Mr Dell responds "about an offer, congratulations, you've got a chance with the big league's".

Eugen couldn't help but smile as his friends celebrated his news, Mr Dell smirked as well.

"I can tell you everything tomorrow, just spend the day celebrating".

Mr Dell turned his bad about to walk away before practically shouting "if any of you come in tomorrow with a hang over I'mma beat your a**, do I make my self clear".

The teenager nodded, Mr Dell was a strict man and stroke fear into any one including flash, while walking he spoke.

"And ya all better quit smoking, I can smell it on ya, bad for your health and appearance, ya bunch of delinquents".

Peter was walking through the halls of mid town high, reaching science club, a whole lot of nerds sitting around doing either home work, finishing experiments or revising.

Around the class room was a familiar face to Peter, Aleksei Sytsevich a skinny Russian kid even weaker and shorter than Peter is. Even though his appearance doesn't show it he's a senior, flash and his other crowd of bullies see him as an easy target. Walking past Aleksei Peter arrives at a cabinet, strolling down he finds his name, opening a tray taking it out of the cabinet Peter lays it on a near by table.

A voice was heard behind Peter, an arrogant voice that screeches people to insanity just hearing it.

"Haven't seen you in a while Parker".

Looking behind him, Peter sees Otto Octavius a laughable name, Peter looks shocked at witnessing the person.

"Aren't your supposed to be in MIT"

"Those ignoramus foolish, the college staff were stupid for letting me go, for quote in quite unsportsmanlike acts and inappropriate behavior, those idiots don't know anything about science and the cost it takes, because of them the future possible advances have been post poned for now years, but don't you worry parker I'll win the science show, and wait for investors and companies to desire me to join them.

"The science show is only in a couple of months, you sure you'll be able to create something so great it can impress the judges" Peter says carefully to not hurt Otto's ego.

"Of course I can Parker you think what you'll make will be better than mine, I consider your mind to be great even genius, but it's still nothing compared to the vast and powerful Otto Octavius, you understand, I haven't been working on nothing theses past months Parker I'll start now but in only just a couple of weeks I'll create something that the judges and clients will never see coming".

"Okay ock, imma work on my project now".

"Yes you go do that, I know you need all the time in the world to even be considered a rival of me, I'll leave you, until next time Parker".

Otto exits the room leaving Peter dumbfounded, Peter takes his container of work for the past year and enters a room he ordered for the after noon, he quicker put on safety equipment and did his experiments.

Inside the container were chemical symbols, equations and calculations, Peter mixed, and poured, vast number of liquids, solids all emitting either sizzling, gas or does nothing.

Eventually after an hour of failed attempts Peter writing down failure after failure Peter had infront of him a glass beaker of colourless liquid. Peter grinned, slowly pouring the liquid it's thick and seemingly sticky. The colourless liquid becomes white eventually after prolonged exposure to air and Peter inserts a thin threat and with all his strength which isn't much not still the threat doesn't move from the solution.

Peter's thoughts:
If my calculations are correct this substance can handle any amount of pressure a human can muster, this solution can replace building cement and be to contain criminals, it might be be the flashiest thing that's been created but it's a step to something new

Peter is shown running in the entrance of mid town high in the rain, he sees a car and sprints as fast as he can to it, opening the door he lets himself in seeing the face of his beloved uncle, Ben Parker.

"Sorry I'm late Peter, work was killer", uncle Ben says with a wide smile.

"Don't worry about it, glad you came to get me in the first place ... thanks"

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