Chapter 2

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2011 July 23rd New York City

Inside one of the biggest building of New York city, Vought tower a gathering was happening.

Dozens of supes spread all over the party including the strongest, Homelander, a blond haired woman was talking to the guests, when a supe approached her.

Dozens of supes spread all over the party including the strongest, Homelander, a blond haired woman was talking to the guests, when a supe approached her

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The man looked somewhat troubled, after she stopped talking to an older gentleman he stepped in.

"Stillwell I need to speak to you".

Madelyn Stillwell is a high ranking executive within Vought, she breathed in expecting bad news, she calmly said "what is it Max".

The 'hero', known as electro whispered "it happened again".

The executive briefly closed her eyes before opening again, she sighed saying "I'll get a script for now just leave".

This news made the hero brighten up and relax, electricity emitted from his body as his form distorts, seconds later the man was gone.

Madelyn continued going around like nothing happened after making a phone call, minutes later she noticed a face amongst the crowd, a face of a well known business man, Norman Osborn, he was on his phone looking insanely.

She looked at him with surprise after getting her senses together she quickly paced herself towards him, she smiled warmly at the man.

"How are you enjoying the party, Mr Osborn".

Norman looked down up at Madelyn, he announced "can't say I'm enjoying it as much as the others".

Madelyn said sincerely "I'm sorry to hear that, would you like another drink".

Norman stuck out his hand gesturing for her to not speak, a moment of silence happened where Stillwell vocalized "heard your son had turned 10 a few day ago... Must be hard growing up without a mother".

"Yes, I try to be there for him".

Madelyn curiously says "if you don't mind could you tell me why you're here, we've been trying to get you to attend these parties for years now, what's the change now".

Norman declared in demanding voice "I actually wanted to speak to you Madelyn Stillwell".

"Well for what reason".

Norman took out a peculiar looking pen from his brazer pocket, he held the end of the pen that began to glow, everything felt the same but for one person.

Homelander was listening in their conversion where after Norman took out his pen, he couldn't hear them anymore.

Norman imparted "when you asked me how I like the party, I was lying... I find this place despicable, I feel sick to the bone just being here knowing the evil that is gathering here".

Madelyn stood back in shock, she was astonished, but moments later she regained her cool and calm behavior.

"I do not know what you mean".

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