Chapter 6

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Madelyn Stillwell said, in front of an entire board of directors, each were sitting down next to a table, papers, graphs and letters littered the table with figures, information and ideas of shows, promos, movies, merchandise and of the company Vought social media networks, each knowledge useful to keep the facade that bought holds deal to there heart, the image of a family friendly company. The board had a dozen members, each person fitting comfortably around the table in an neat an orderly position, expect a supposedly empty seat which hadn't been tucked in but looked as if someone was sitting in it. At the end of the table positioned in a way to see everyone in the table is Stan Edgar, a cold calculating man who seems to be not interested in the work Madelyn is presenting.

"Ratings for the last months have shown a great interest and boost of popularity of the hero wrestler hero bonesaw due to his entertaining violent outbursts, but the main focus is the combat"

Edgar spoke, cool, calm and cold, with no hint of emotion "I'm going to be honest with you Madelyn, the idea sounds great but we as a company need to care about our image more than anything, combat sports are only thrilling and exciting with the threat or injury, or at least the actors pretending to be in danger, the image of the gods amongst men... And women will be shattered, an image we've been keeping up for decades".

Madelyn Stillwell smiled and pushed a bottom to show the next slide on the power point presentation they were watching, revealing a title, "young justice".

"Which is why the show won't focus on 7 or the speculator 6 but a new cast, gathering teenager and young adult between the ages of 15 to 20 all around America a new team, squad even will be formed, everyone loves a coming to age action story so why not add a Vought super twist to it, with of course the occasional cameo of Homelander, Maeve and the other members of the 7".

A voice seemingly coming out of no where could be heard "so who'd be hosting this show, can't expect the viewer's attention to be grabbed by a bunch of nobodies".

Madelyn switched slides again showing everyone an image of the hero man-wolf, aka John Jameson.

Madelyn switched slides again showing everyone an image of the hero man-wolf, aka John Jameson

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