Chapter 13 Trusted bonds

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Butcher and MM are seen in a carm heading to a ship yard filled with empty run down broken vehicles.

"You sure this is where they want us to be, this place is a s**t hole" MM asked butcher being the one driving, butcher mean while was in the passenger side of the car looking at his phone.

"Yep, I looked it up the rich c**t owns this place so nobody should be here... except". Butcher gestured for MM to stop seeing coming out of one of the containers Martin Lee.

MM stopped the vehicle as the both men got out, Martin meet the 2, after saying greetings MM spoke.

"You gonna tell us why we're in this unhygienic dumpster".

Martin sighed in response "your here because Norman hasn't developed good enough AI to pilot the suits".

"What's that supposed to mean" butcher was quick to fire.

"It means he's desperate Mr osborns original plans has been pushed forward by at least 2 months, we must start your training immediately and sadly I'm pained to say this but your particular set of experiences in combat and fights can be useful, if trained and honed".

MM said "I'm trained a**hole, so what's osborn got for us, weapons".

"Enough talking let's get thus s**t on the road" butcher said.

Martin face looked miserably using the arm that was in the cast he gestured to go inside the container "Stacy's already inside, getting used to the suit".

When they entered they saw George in a suit.

The two paused and looked at each other before exploding into laughter, next to George was a suitcase that had been emptied, looking around butcher noticed 2 other cases

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The two paused and looked at each other before exploding into laughter, next to George was a suitcase that had been emptied, looking around butcher noticed 2 other cases. George began to stretch his the gear being heavier than expected, George leaves telling the other 2.

"Guys please just be responsible".

Butcher let out a sinister smile immediately approaching the case he opens it seeing the same gear as George, he changes into the suit and leaves seeing George clenching his hands a purple sound waves cover around the gauntlets. With butcher doing the same thing a strange sensation washed over butcher, a feeling of strength and power that no gun can give him, he felt like he was strong in this armor. Butcher wanted to see what he could do so sprinted towards a car smashing into it sending it flying 10 feet back. He'd had expect it to hurt but his knuckles were protected by this force around his fist.

"Now this is gonna be fun" butcher says.

"It's not supposed to be fun Mr butcher, we cannot afford any games here, until you get used to these mark 1's I cannot let you move past them".

MM still hasn't changed into his suit, he just looked at the sight he was seeing, he didn't know what to think, butcher and George continued training butcher imagining homelander or some random supe with each strike. He got enjoyment of punching cars around like it's nothing, MM just stared at butcher, only for his trail of thoughts to be interrupted by Lee.

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