Chapter 5

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Peter is shown in his uncle Ben car driving back to the place where he calls home, the place he grew up. Looking out of the mirror to the city to the same view he's seen before but felt to awkward just staring straight on.

"Looks like we won't be getting the fence painted tonight, well another way it is".

Peter attention was drawn to his uncle who was looking at him through the driver mirror, he then remembered back to what happened with Gwen and put his head down.

"Hahaha, girl troubles, Pete".

Peter was surprised he didn't know what to say, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it not wanting to talk with his uncle who was more of a father to him about girls.

"Your eyes, you got the same eyes as your father whenever he was thinking of girls, your parents meet at high school, me and May meet in our senior year, who knows this girl may be your soul mate".

Peter smiled wholesomely, a silence happened when Peter spoke.

"Got my biology test back, A again".

"Exactly like your father then, your hard works being paying off, so your going to oscorp trip tomorrow then".

Peter simply nodded, the two continued to speak small talk until they arrive back at there home, the sky continued to drop rain, the first thing peter saw was the old fence they were supposed to paint. A fence Ben always said was going to get painted but every time was post poned due to weather, laziness or forgetfulness.

Ben whispered underneath his breath "one of these days, one of these days", directly at the fence.

The two entered the house to be hit with smell of Peter aunt cooking, her traditional meat loaf, the smell hit the two, as Ben looked at Peter almost in fear. Peter responded wide eyed, before any more interactions happen Aunt may flew into the hallway and hugged Peter, momentary before speaking.

"How did your test go, did you get the results".

Peter replied "yeah, passed, Harry also passed".

"Oh great that's fantastic come on go get washed up, before having dinner".

May sprinted into the kitchen leaving Ben and Peter, who looked at each other.

"I thought it was wheat cakes today". Ben exclaimed quietly for May not to hear.

"No that's tomorrow, why can't you tell May, that's her meat loaf bad".

"I can't I'm in too deep now, she's been making me that for 3 decades now once every week when we started dating, it'll hurt her the same as if I cheated".

"Why do I have to suffer". Peter jokingly expressed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure you'll understand one day, now get dressed".

A moment passed, and the two began smiling and laughing, Peter got dressed and prepared himself to eat, his plan was trying to make the food not touch his tongue, this did not work.

Far in the sky 2 women were riding an airplane, the youngest of the women, a girl around 18-19 had blonde long hair, brown eyes and an attractive figure was looking out of the airplane mirrors.

"Alright Annie".

The younger adult didn't respond, as the other woman nudged Annie.

"Sorry mom".

"It's okay honey, but you couldn't do that on stage".

The woman took out a leaflet that had Vought, the leaflet composed of serval pictures of heroes with the front being the hero new member of the 7 man-wolf. Within the pictures were bad photo shopped images of heroes fighting each other and seemed to be heavily combat influenced a brand and idea Vought hasn't massively dived into.

"Now Annie, the performance you show this week must be great, imagine meeting Homelander when you get to the show, and being apart Junior frontier or whatever it's going to be called".

"I just hope I don't have to face against Alex".

"Now Annie, you must remember no matter who your opponent you cannot take it easy on them, this is the best chance to succeed and reach your full potential ".

"I know mom" Annie said with some annoyance

Annie's mom quickly put away the leaflet when a airplane attendant went to ask if they needed anything. The leaflet was given to the woman through mail by Vought however has strict rules that no one expect Vought staff could see it as the show they were planning to create wasn't confirmed.

The show of multiple young supes fighting to place on top to create a team, a super team of young adults which through trial and error will accomplish great things, the team will be composed of 4 supes. Only the best, brightest and strongest (along with the most popular) will be placed on the team, that's what all the company had told the mother of Annie but after hearing her baby had a chance to strike big so earlier in life she had to jump into the opportunity before the spots of the contestants were filled.

"It's going to be hard to face off with other people like you Annie, but don't worry with your training, expertise I'm more concerned to whoever you bull dozer over".

Annie didn't reply instead putting ear muffs in and closing her eyes, as she attempts to fall asleep.

Eugene Thompson is shown with the same group of friends drinking at a house party, they seemed to have been having a good time when flash stopped noticing someone in the crowd.

He sighed and walked up to someone shotgunning a beer, a person who seemed 3 years older than Eugen himself. The man seemed to have spotted flash and drunkenly said.

"Yeah, Eugene been a while".

"What you doing here Mark, told Liz you got off the wagon, that's clearly not true".

"Calm down, I've been sober for weeks now get off my back".

"Alright that's enough I'm taking you home".

Eugene grabbed Mark by the shirt dragging him to the exit of the house when Mark tried to shove flash off but it clearly wasn't working, until half way through the house flash had a chair smashed into him by one of Mark's friends.

The situation quickly escalated with flash's billy friends getting involved against Mark's friends it however lead to a small fight happening with Eugene not hurting anyone but losing track of Mark.

Eventually the situation had begum calm, Eugene found out where mark had went finding out he left through and began running to try and catch up because of the rain Eugene couldn't teleport he hadn't found Mark instead calling his girlfriend Liz to tell her about Mark relapse.

Mark is shown stumbling through the street in the rain, he heard a loud noice from a alley and without a thought in his head had strolled into the alley curious about sight he is going to find.

Reaching to where the sound was coming from he didn't see it, instead blurs of figures, Mark was then hit on the head getting knocked clean out, and was later dragged into a car in the middle of the night.

Hours later Mark is shown on a stretcher blindfolded and gagged getting pushed along corridor filled with what looked like prison cells, noice is heard in each cage, either a muffled scream of pain or slamming of the door. Mark was placed in one of the empty rooms getting locked up inside.

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