Chapter 16 Rookies

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Peter and Ben had returned to their house in Queens after getting a bite to eat, with Peter once again feeling the need to eat more than he'd have usually needed before the incident in Oscorp. Ben however didn't see this as a problem thinking that it was normal for teenagers appetites to change after a traumatic experience. Speaking of trauma Peter was feeling a bit traumatic, he couldn't stop hearing that gun shot, it was a lot louder than movies had displayed them to be. His ears were still ringing from shoot fired, but more importantly he couldn't help but think about the guy that was shoot, could be have turned out like him. Was he lucky to have been giving a power that didn't affect his mental state, or has it just not taking effect yet, maybe any second now he'll just go crazy. He felt bad, a man could be dead and rather than thinking of the man's family or even the man's wellbeing he just thought of himself, was he any better than bluehawk.

Eventually during the drive Ben had spotted Peters conflicted feelings had the 2 had a conversation, it didn't have much words but Ben's natural ability to make situations lighter had helped Peter cope. Ben's cringe and objectively bad jokes didn't seem, unfunny to Peter or at least not as good as others would see them, it did help his self conscious he couldn't help but be a bit happier after every joke.

When they returned home Peter and ben find themselves in the tight loving embrace of May, May had stretched her arms over the 2.

"Thank the heavens you 2 are safe" May had spoke thankful for them to be back and not hurt.

May stopped and lightly smacked Ben's arm "I told you it was a bad idea, Ben Parker to come in today, but nobody in this house hold ever listens to me".

"I'm fine" Ben said "we're fine, it was nothing May, the news made it more than it was... just a poor soul lost and taken advantage of that's all that happened".

May calmed down, Ben was the only one who could do that, "I'm happy to see your both okay... just you 2 relax and ill get you dinner".

Ben and Peter sat down on their coach, Ben whispering "I don't support lying and being dishonest but sometimes it's okay to stretch the truth". Ben winked at Peter as Peter nodded understanding completely.

May had cooked then food for the evening, Peter didn't even realize it but it was almost 7pm, the entire day was gone and the toll of the day was showing now, the day pretty tiring for both Ben and Peter. Peter returned to his room as he laid on his bed, he was just about to go to sleep when he remembered his phone, and knew he had to tell Harry what just happened.

Peter looked at his phone, there were unread messages about if he talked to gwen yet and if he was okay, since today was longest day where he hadn't look at his phone when he was conscious. Replying to Harry's texts.

"Just arrived home now, I was helping Ben with feast shelter and you can't believe what happened".

Harry after a couple of minutes responded "you were in there when that maniac was attacking staff, Jesus I hoped Ben wasn't there, was he hurt or anything".

"No he's not, the guy didn't even lay a finger on us, Robbie shoot the guy, can't blame him, the news say anything about the attacker Robbie gonna be torn if the guy dies".

Harry and Peter kept texting each other for the next 40 minutes, saying goodbye to each other Peter started another conversation with gwen. There conversation lasted even longer and without even realizing it was almost 10pm, saying good night Peter smiled having a productive busy day.

Staying on his phone for the next hour watching YouTube he got ton sleep a big earlier than he'd usually go being tired about the events that happened.

Early in the morning a group of a dozen people are seen they looked like they were in some sort of stage or something, the people on the stage at full focused ranged from young adults in their early 20's to older teens around 16. Within in small crowd was Eugene and Annie, from the perspective they rushed into set getting a email last night to perpare themselves to get up and get to this location. Excited about getting an opportunity to be stars they accepted the invitation from vought to join there new reality TV show. They didn't except however so much people being there, Annie immediately saw her ex boyfriend Alex aka his stage name drummer boy. He didn't look as healthy as he once did, skinner and paler than he used to be, wanting to reconnect since they mutually broke up she approached him while the staff was still getting things perpared.

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