Chapter 9

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Homelander and eletro land on a deserted island, Homelander has been chasing him for hours and where they had landed it was night, electros form becomes solid as homelander speaks.

"So this is where you want to die". He says, if it were anyone a chill would have run down there spine but electro just grins.

"That's your problem old man, you constantly underestimate the others, I say it's about time you let your cape down and retire, let the next generation shine".

Homelander smiles as he shoots his standard red lazer from his eye, electro dodged it as he shoots lightning at him, homelander let it hit him. The electrical force slammed into his body, homelander barely moved, revealing the suit was slightly burnt from the heat generated from the attack but besides that the strongest hero wasn't injured or even phased. Electro stopped grinning he had to take the battle more seriously than he had thought.

"That's quite impressive, it even tickled a bit... but that can't be all you can do, come on maxy" homelander yelled at him.

Electro took this as a challenge roaring from the top of his lung the electric hero spammed a barrage of lightning at homelander each hitting each doing no damage. Eventually homelander was brought down to 1 knee, as electro forcibly stopped shooting his attacks being tk drained to do anymore. Electro looked at Homelander he remained to one knee for a few moments when suddenly homelander in speeds electro hasn't expected homelander could do zoomed right in front of him and punched him. Electro body was bloodied from just that punch, he was pushed 50 feet back destroying any tree that was in his way, homelander then traveled to him, he grabbed Max and started throwing him around, going to the sea he flew over the surface dunking electro in the combination of water and electricity doing no damage to him. Homelander relented for 15 minutes he was torturing his fellow hero, electro was almost dead as homelander kept beating him.

"Say it". Homelander yelled at him.

Electro speech was so bad he couldn't talk.

Homelander continued to beat on electro when he heard electro talk because of his super hearing "Sorry... please don't kill me", as tears flowed down his face, homelander let out a disappointing sigh. He left electro battered and nearly dead on the island they fought, he didn't care if he died from his injuries, returning to vought tower all he meet back up with Stillwell.

"Job complete" is all he said to her in her office.

She looked at his costume which was tattered and burnt to pieces, the American flap having a hole through it, she didn't know what to think. Before her thoughts got to wild she calmed herself to not seem weak and vulnerable infront of homelander and spoke calmly.

"Is he alive".

Homelander showed a wicked smile "probably, well last time I saw him, he's somewhere in the Africa now licking his wounds, should be okay for the race in a week so dont worry about that".

"So he's going to listen to you". She said

"I hope so, or the next visit I won't be so kind... well that better me... I need to change", he laughs sinisterly.

"What do you mean frenchie is out". Mother milk shouted at Billy butcher, the two men were in some sort of abandoned warehouse.

"It means the feds got to him mate, nothing we can do but move on" Butcher spoke rather uncaring.

"What do you mean, Grace had that deal with the CIA, frenchie out of jail and he works for the boys".

"That's until he broke order, almost got Grace's grandchildren incarnated, if it wasn't for that tw*t in the fancy suit they'd been killed". Butcher said

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