Chapter 10

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Flash was sprinting to Liz Allen's house, she was his ex girlfriend but they still kept in touch and were good friends, they didn't know why they had broken up they were always seen as the perfect couple.

When he arrived at her home he knocked on the door to see liz open it, she gestured for him to come in as Eugene was exposed to the sight of Mark. His face was red, with a wet towel over his forehead, steam hovering coming off the towel.

"What's happened to him", Eugene says not knowing what was going on.

"I don't know" liz began to cry "I just found him like that, he's got a fever and his skins burning, he's constantly yelling stop, I think he overdosed again".

"You shouldn't have texted me liz, marks looks like he's dying, we need to call a ambulance".

She takes out her phone to do just as she was advised but suddenly the couch mark was on spontaneously combusted, as the fire hit marks body the flames seemed to fuse into his skin as his form begins to emit fire. Mark screams in pain releasing a sphere of fire that could have hit liz and flash if Eugene hadn't teleported them both out of the range of the attack. Mark seemed to not be aware of his surroundings or where he was, he got up from the sofa and while yelling accidentally sending streams of fire from his hands. The fire blasted and completely destroyed the house when Eugene teleports next to him.

"Calm down Mark, this isn't you, your gonna hurt someone, I don't know what happened to you, but im sure you can fix it". He shouted at him to get marks attention.

Mark just screams in pain "you hurt me, Ah, stop it, please stop". He continued to yell.

His anger and rage was aimed at flash as he attacked him, fire leaked out from his chest, teleporting out of the way was easy, appearing behind Mark, he punched him in the jaw. It launched Mark back but it didn't do anything, instead Eugene's knuckles were burnt, a sensation of pain had ripped through his hand.

At this point the police were called, once they had figured out the details of the crime they wasted no time in calling vought to deal with the issue. In vought tower, queen maeve and the hero silver sable are seen sparing both dressed in there hero outfits, queen maeve was noticeably stronger and faster than her opponent obviously holding back while they fight.

 In vought tower, queen maeve and the hero silver sable are seen sparing both dressed in there hero outfits, queen maeve was noticeably stronger and faster than her opponent obviously holding back while they fight

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Eventually sliver sable managed to tackle maeve to the floor and restrain her, the two continued to fight on the floor now maeve being ontop of her. Out of nowhere the two kissed maeve was the first to lean forward as she broke it she spoke immediately getting of her "Sorry, I didn't know what came over me".

Silver sable speaks "Don't worry about it, I actually quite liked it... maybe we can do it again sometime".

Maeve looks broken "we can't, if homelander", she stops remembering that Homelander was in vought tower.

Silver sable looked disappointed okay then, she got up and walked out of the room leaving maeve, in the crimes Analytics sector of vought tower, one of the interns had taken a call from the police. The intern immediately clicks a button as they speak into a mic "crime happening in Neptune Ave Brookyln, a possible supe criminal with fire powers has been sighted in a gated community".

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