Chapter 15 Confortation

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Peter head began to sting in pain, it wasn't a headache he's ever experienced before it wasn't great pain but it was discomfort. When he saw Robbie on the ground about to get attacked, Peter grabbed onto his bowl and threw it as hard as he could at the person. It was only plastic so it bounced off the man's body, but the thick soup that poured on the ground did caused him to slip he hit the ground a foot away from Robbie who was groaning in pain barely conscious and unable to move. 2 or 3 security guard came by they didn't have any weapons so were trying to restrain the man but the homeless person had broken free from there grasp throwing them away like they were children.

The man was tweaking his body looking around to see Robbie, rage enters his eyes, he was mad at Robbie for all the times he wasn't allowed to stay and was rejected, all that anger built up was aimed at him. Peter couldn't act he was scared his body was shaking along with a his head was throbing warning of danger, the man thrusted himself at Robbie only to be stopped by a fire extinguisher.  Ben was holding onto to it pumping the contentments of the fire extinguisher at the violent man, the man recovered quickly charging at Ben he was about to collide into the middle aged man when Peter grabbed his uncle and pushed him out of the way.

Peter used more force than he expected and flung his uncle 10 feet, the man narrowly missed the 2 hitting table destroying it, he then looked at Peter and began attacking his uncle yelling for the man to stop. But he didn't,  Peter leaped out of the way of his oncoming tackle, he waa about to attack again when a gun shot was heard and the man had a hole through his chest. At that moment his eyes had faded as his appearance had changed to be more calm, at that moment he just held onto his wound and spoke faintly "where... where am i" before dropping to the floor.

Everyone looked around to see who shoot the gun seeing it was Robbie, he was on the ground stunned expression his face he slowly got up. Ben also stood back up before tending to the man's injuries after ensuring Peter was okay, the man had died but not from the gun shoot but from an overdose.  Ben exchanged this information that his pulse had gone, Ben approached Peter redirecting his gaze from the man, while Robbie stumbled towards the man tears in his eyes he didn't accept the man was gone, he had to help at least try. He started chest compressions on the man for a solid 3 minutes straight Peter was stunned he had never seen a dead body before and by the time Ben told Robbie to stop police had come. The paramedics took Robbie place and the man was lifted away to the hospital, along side the police was a low tier supe known as blue hawk.

Blue hawk immediately went up to Robbie who had his hands in his face praying that the man he shoot was alive and make a miraculous recover. There beside him was Peter and Ben who both looked a bit traumatic, blue hawk approached in a aggressive manner. He firmly placed a hand on Robbie shoulder Robbie was confused as blue hawk dragged Robbie up from the chair he waa sitting down onto his feet.

"What's going on" Robbie asked.

"Your under arrest". Blue hawk Robbie stood there shocked "down resist and you won't get hurt" he continued grasping onto Robbie arm.

Ben stood up getting in his face "let him go... now" Ben almost shouted in the supes ear, this caused a scene the police not knowing what to do they were stunned. Peter never heard his uncle so anger or even loud it had frightened him.

"Stand back, do you know who I am, I have the god damn authority here, I'm giving you a chance go 5 feet back or I'm attaining you". Blue hawk warned Ben but he stood strong staring daggers into the hero, Peter walked up to Ben joining him in his stand.

"Robbie hasn't done anything wrong, you better get your damn hands off of him, how dare you make an arrest without knowing whose the victim".

Blue hawk was angered anyone spoke up to him, Robbie told Ben it was okay and to leave but Ben didn't go back on his words. At the same time all of the people that Robbie helped yelled in favor for robbies release just befor blue hawk was gonna unleash his anger a loud voice broke the tension the voice was aimed at blue hawk.

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