Chapter Three

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---- Lunch ----

You and Robin walk into the lunch hall to wait on Steve, you looked around and saw a lot of people sitting in the grouped seats, you notice Eddie from earlier and his group,you notice that everyone there is wearing the same t-shirt

Y/N - hey Robin, why is Eddie's group all wearing a hellfire club t-shirt?
Robin - Aww it's a Dungeon and dragons club but people usually say it's a cult for Satan or something like ( she shrugs her shoulders and eyerolls whilest eating some bread)
Y/N - who says it's a club for Satan?
Robin - Jason and his basketball team (she points to a blonde boy wearing a green jacket)
Y/N - aww right, I'm just going to head to the bathroom brb

You walk your way to the bathroom until someone stops you

Eddie - Y/N! Wait up
Y/N - (you groan and spin on your heels to face him) what?
Eddie - Look I'm just going to say this straight I'm so sorry for making you drop everything earlier, it was my fault and I wasn't looking where I was going and you have every right to pissed as I basically put on you the spot when you are just new here
Y/N - it's fine Eddie what's done is done there's no need to dwel on the past (He smiles at you and you smile back)
Eddie - I want you to meet a few people (he puts his hand on your lower back and guides you to his table) these are my friends and club members, Mike, Dustin, Jeff and Gareth (he points to them all)
Y/N - hey guys it's lovely to meet you (you say as you smile)
Eddie - Btw please whatever you do don't believe what you hear about us
Y/N - I won't I know it's a Dungeon and dragons club and not a Satan Cult it's fine (you laugh which causes Eddie to smile at you and be shocked by your knowledge of his group)
Eddie - Damn sweetheart you have been doing your research haven't you (you blush at him calling you sweetheart)
Y/N - yeah I guess I have, look I've got to get going but I'll see you around and thank you for you apologising
Eddie - it's not a problem have fun

You turn your way and head to the bathroom but you can't keep forgetting the way Eddie called you sweetheart it made you feel some type of way you haven't felt before and for once it was a good way but you try to snap out of it as you are  with Billy, he makes you happy as you keep telling yourself that, you decide to freshen up and walk back to Robin, when you enter the lunch hall you see Robin with a boy with long brown hair you assume that's it's Steve another Hawkins heartthrob

Y/N- hey I'm back sorry that took so long Eddie was apologising for earlier
Robin - it's totally fine and Y/N this is Steve
Steve - Hey
Y/N - hey there it's a pleasure to meet you
Steve - you too
Robin want to get going to a shop?

You and Steve say yeah and head to the shop just round the corner from the school as you walk past Eddie's table you can't help but look at him again but to your surprise he is watching walk past him you smile to yourself and catch up with robin and Steve

Y/N - hey guys wait up I'm very slow (you yell as you run after them)
Steve - no you aren't you were busy checking out Eddie (he laughs)
Robin - But aren't you with Billy?
Steve - Billy Hargrove?! (He yells catching everyone attention in corridor)
Robin - yeah why did you think you had a chance (she jokes with him and he laughs)
Steve - no I'm just surprised that's all, like dude (he turns to look at you) I'm basically his sisters babysitter along with Dustin and Mike from Hellfire, it's like we were supposed to be friends (he says amazed)
Y/N - omg no way Max always talked about a strange older boy who always babysits her but I'd never thought it would you be
Robin - Strange is definitely the right word for Steve (she jokes and we all laugh)

We have finally got to the shop and I decided to get a bacon and chicken sandwich with red bull too help with me feeling sleepy, we all sit on the pavement and chat about mine and Billy's relationship

Robin - so what's it actually like dating him cause I've always thought he would be a cold hearted person but I'm guessing not
Y/N - aww he is such gentlemen, he buys roses, takes me on dates and takes me away for surprise holidays
Steve - that doesn't sound like anything I thought he would be in a relationship
Y/N - but there bad sides to it like he is overprotective and sometimes a bit moody but nothing too serious

You say as you enter a deep thought about your feelings towards Billy, what confused you the most is that you didn't lie about how he treats you but you didn't feel the same as others you tell the story too it's like there has always been a gap left and it makes feel like nothing when you are with him, you start to doubt that you even love him

Steve - Earth to Y/N!! ( He says snapping his fingers Infront of you)
Y/N - sorry what's up?
Steve - me and robin are going back now
Y/N - it's fine yous go ahead I'll catch soon I'm just wanting to think something over
Steve - No worries we will see you back at school

He walks away and when him and robin are out of distance that's when you go to light up a joint, you don't smoke around Billy as he doesn't like the smell much, you were going to light up your joint until your lighter stopped working

Y/N - ohh come on, this is just a great day to break on me isn't it ( you say annoyed )
??- hey darling let me get that for you

You turn around and see that it's Eddie, he takes the joint and lights up for you whilest taking a puff and hand it back to you

Y/N - thank you I was going to lose the plot if I didn't get a draw (you laugh)
Eddie - don't worry about it, do you mind if we share cause it's been a stressful day?
Y/N - sure go ahead knock yourself out (you say whilst taking a draw)

You and Eddie share the joint for a while and both of yous are starting to feel it

Eddie - Want to skip the rest of the school day and go to mine and do some harder drugs
Y/N - (you took a long thought about it) Sure what's the harm it help me relax and stops worrying about stuff
Eddie - I mean that's the way I've always done it

He laughs as he agrees to your comment, yous both walk to his truck, and he holds the door open for you whilst you get in, you start to think to yourself "maybe he isn't so bad after all"

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now