Chapter 38

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You and Robin where painting the walls and dancing away to music, Eddie and Steve were building furniture, Eddie has been really quickly since you told him about the kiss and hasn't been speaking to Steve much which to be honest you can't really blame him, you would do the same but it did finally feel good to have that amount of weight on your shoulders taken off

It was now nighttime and Robin and Steve where saying good bye to you and Eddie, they where just about to walk out the door until Eddie stops them

Eddie - I'm sorry Y/N, I can't keep pretending anymore (he tells you as he puts his hand on Steve's shoulder stopping him from exiting) I know about what you did
Steve - What? I don't know what you are on about (he lies to avoid any conflict)
Eddie - Come on, Y/N told me everything about your feelings towards her and the kiss
Steve - Huh? I didn't say that nor did I kiss her (he lies again which causes you to step in)
Y/N - Come on you dont remember Steve, the day after my arugment with Scarlett
Steve - I'm sorry Y/N but you must either be making this up or thinking of someone else (he tells you and you stand there shocked)
Y/N - But why would i lie? (you question)
Steve - I don't know maybe you just aren't that into Eddie as you may seem (now everyone is looking at you believing Steve)
Y/N - Aw come on, i remember what happened and i wouldnt lie and especially not to my boyfriend or best friend (you start to yell at frustration)
Eddie - It is actually starting to make sense know (he takes Steve's side)
Y/N - What? No, Don't believe him, i was telling the truth I was i swear down (you aruge as everyone stares at you)
Eddie - I'm not dealing with this again, I'm out, enjoy your nice fancy house Y/N (he tries to walk away but you grab on to his arm)
Y/N - Don't go, I swear I'm telling the truth, I love you (Eddie turns to look at you)
Eddie - That's probably the frist in months you have actually said that to me and its the time where I'm walking away (he walks off leaving you there in shock)
Robin - So everything you told me was fake, I thought we were friends Y/N

she says as she walks with Steve, you watch them walk off unable to do anything, you want to scream, cry and just punch something but you can't cause of how overwhelmed you are and how in shock you are, you went from having the best friends ever to none in a matter of seconds, You slam the door and run up to your room, Falling onto your bed as tears fall down your face

After you had calmed yourself down you decided to try and call Eddie but he wasn't picking up nor texting you back which made you panic even more, Just as you were about to blow into a hot ball of rage that's when Jason walks through the door

Jason - Did you that freak just break up? (he says with a smirk)
Y/N - Fuck off Jason get a life (you snap back as you wipe tears of your face)
Jason - I mean I'm just upset I didn't get the chance to be the main cause of the break up (he leans on the door frame woth his arms crossed)
Y/N - Go to hell Jason (you throw a paint brush at him that still had paint on it)
Jason - if that's the game you want to play, then so be it

He smiles before his exit and you look over at your night stand that had a photo of You, Robin, Steve and Eddie, picking up and smashing it on the ground you crawl into a little ball on the floor and sob wondering where everything went wrong

---- The Next Morning ------

You wake up feeling really exhausted and not wanting to go to school, You walk into your bathroom and turn the shower on, Standing up made you feel really light headed and you also had a feeling that you were wanting to be sick, trying to keep it down you sit on the toilet seat and take breaths but that only made it worse, Quickly going to your knees and lifting the toilet sit up you hurl, You sit there to catch your breathe again as you start to think of reasons on why you are being sick all of sudden but none sprung to mind,

Making your way in the shower and getting all cleaned up, you start to feel a Notting in your stomach like something bad is going to happen, Getting out of the shower as you towel drying your hair, you notice you really pale trying to cover up you put some make up in hopes it would get covered up

Walking over to your wardrobe and finding some nice clothes to wear, you decided to go with ripped jeans and a very cute halter top, As you are getting changed you realised that your jeans weren't buttoning up

Y/N - How the fuck have i gained weight, i havnt eaten that much

You mumble to yourself as you take them off and put black leggings on, Getting your bag ready you check your phone in hopes Robin, Eddie or Steve has texted but no response from any of them, You sigh as you chuck your phone into your bag and make your way to the door where Andrew was going to drive you to school

Arriving at school you feel nervous, this will be your frist time walking into school and no one will be there to talk to you or even go up the shop with you at lunch, Making your way to frist lesson you notice nobody is looking at you which is a good sign it means nothing has been said about last night

Just as you walk past the toilets you feel this sudden urge to hurl again, Quickly making your way into one of the stalls and dropping to your knees as you let everything out, You think to yourself

Y/N - What is happening to me?, Why am I being sick and why am I gaining weight when I havnt even been eating

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now