Chapter 39

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After you finish throwing up, you hear a chap on the door, you sign and think of the worst possibly on who it could be, your mind is already spiraling at what's going on and why you were being sick

?? - Hey, you okay in there? (you hear a sweet voice that you recognize)
Y/N - I'm okay thanks
?? - Is that you Y/N? (You frown and open the stall door revealing Max standing on the other side)
Max - You don't look good girl
Y/N - Yeah i don't feel either being gaining weight like crazy and throwing up most of my time (you say standing up and brushes your self off)
Max - I think i know why that is ( She looks at you shocked and you look back at her)
Y/N - Well spill it red
Max - I think you might be pregnant (you drop your bag in shock as you stare at her)
Y/N - No i can't be, Eddie always wore protection
Max - Wait, your telling me you had sex with Eddie Munson?
Y/N - Yeah i also went out with him i thought everyone knew
Max - i didn't, and don't tell me you are pregnant and not dating the father
Y/N - Okay i just won't say anything (you say brushing your hair in the mirror)
Max - Oh my god, did he break up with you because of you being pregnant?
Y/N - No we didn't break up because of that, it's his dickhead friend Steve that caused that and we don't know i'm pregnant so can we stop talking about it
Max - Why not we skip this period and go make sure you aren't pregnant

You agree with Max and yous both head out the school walking to corner shop you frist met Eddie, it differently brought back memories for you that made your heart sting a little thinking of how happy you were with him, As you enter the shop you make sure nobody spots you as you put your hoodie up and make your way to the baby isle

Paying for the test you quickly stuff it your pocket and head outside to see Max sitting down on a step playing on her phone, You must admit you do like the fact she is helping and how yous two can go back to the friendship you had when you were with her step brother, you will always be thankful for Max in that way

Y/N - Okay i've got it
Max - There's a bush over there if you don't want to go back and take it (she says pointing at the bush across the road)
Y/N - Why is this suddenly my life (you mumble as you walk across the road with Max following you)
Max - Have you thought about what you are going to do if you are pregnant (she turns away as you start to pee on the stick)
Y/N - Nope, haven't even thought about if i will tell Eddie or not
Max - Forget about him, he is a stupid boy and he is a dumbass for leaving you (you smile at her comment as you pull up your leggings)
Y/N - Thank you (you say as you put hand on head)
Max - How long do we need to wait?
Y/N - Two minutes (you say reading the box)

Waiting on the test to finish was very nerve wracking for you as everything was going through mind, What will you tell Eddie?, What is going to happen with school?, What is everyone's reaction going to be? Especially Eddie's, you lift your head up and see Max picking up the pregnancy

Max - Well it's done (she says quickly  as you jump to your feet taking the test off her)
Y/N - Oh my god

You look at the positive test as your eyes water, Max notices and gives you hug she didn't mind that you didn't hug back as she knows how much shock you are in, I mean at the end of the day you carrying Eddie's baby now, and you aren't even with him anymore he won't even talk to you

------ Robin's POV-------

As me, Steve and Eddie enter Maths i can't help but feel worried about not seeing Y/N all day, i know i'm mad at her for lying to me but i do still care for her, Eddie and Steve take thier seats at the back as i stand and look around for Y/N to appear but no sign of her whatsoever

Steve - Robin, who are you looking for? (he looks at me with a tilted head)
Robin - Nothing it doesn't matter (i say as i take my seat infront of them and turn to face them)
Eddie - Look who it is

He say causing mine and Steve's had to turn and see Y/N walking through the door, I am a little relieved to see her here as i thought something was wrong but she isn't acting herself, Y/N was always a bright cheerful girl who could light up a room but today she looks really scared and shocked, She notices me looking at her and turns her head as i look back at Steve and Eddie avoiding eye contact

Steve - What's wrong with her? (he asks as i shrug my arms)
Eddie - Who cares

He says as i slap his arm, The teacher starts the lesson and we all go silent as she explains our pages in the textbook, during the lesson can't help but feel something is wrong with Y/N she looks like she has just found out some very devastating news


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