Chapter 57

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You were drinking and dancing alot of the night, Steve was having a few beers but that was all as he was wanting to keep an eye on you, Robin was drinking with you and dancing as much as she can, You walked over to the bar to get another shot as someone blocked your path

?? - Hey there cutie
Y/N - Hey
?? - What's a pretty thing like you doing on your own
Y/N - I'm not on my own I'm with my friends (you look over at Steve)
?? - Is he your boyfriend? (you laugh)
Y/N - No my boyfriend is at home waiting on me (you start to think of Eddie and how he isnt your boyfriend)
?? - Bitch

He says under his breathe as he walks away, you roll your eyes and head towards Steve who hands you a beer

Steve - What was that about?
Y/N - aww nothing, Just some boy wanting to get with me
Steve - Why didn't you?
Y/N - Cause Ed- (you cut yourself remembering you are no longer with Eddie)
Steve - Can't you just talk to him already?
Y/N - Talk to who?
Steve - The guy who you have turned down about 3 boys for
Y/N - I can't
Steve - Why? Because of what Scarlett said ?
Y/N - It's not like that, there's more to it
Steve - Like what? How many time are you going to push him away
Y/N - I'm not pushing him away, he is going to be a dad soon
Steve - How do you know that for sure (you go silent) exactly you don't know, Remember that time bethany lied about him cheating on you how you flipped out and it wasn't even true, What if its another case like that and you are just throwing this perfect relationship away
Y/N - And what if what Scarlett is saying is true
Steve - Do you love him Y/N
Y/N - Yeah
Steve - Then take a chance, if you get heartbroken then fine you can come to clubs and sleep around and everything but don't start trusting the enemy

You stand there for a moment trying to take in Steve's words as you sip on the beer, Steve did have a point in all this as Scarlett is the enemy and you are throwing it away all because of something she said

You put the beer down on the bar and make run for it, You were basically running for your life as you were trying to avoid the nerve that was starting for form, You chased after Eddie before and he ended up with another girl cause you didn't get there in time

This time was different you weren't allowing anyone else to be with him apart from you, As you were running you were thinking off the things you wanted to say to him or all the things you should have said to him before you left for the party

Arriving at the trailer park you stopped to take break as you were panting so much for running, You throw up a few times but you kept running which you were starting think was a bad idea, As you were about to start running you heard aruging you turn the corner to see Eddie and Scarlett, you hid behind a bin trying not be seen

Scarlett - It's your baby
Eddie - It's not, the only baby that is mine is no longer here
Scarlett - Please are you still mopping over that psycho bitch
Eddie - Don't speak of her like that it's not my fault she is better than you
Scarlett - Please you really think this all because of that
Eddie - Yes that's all you ever live for Scarlett, is pain and drama and i wont be surprised if you don't know who the father is and you are just blaming it on me to start drama

Eddie walks into the trailer slamming the door whilst Scarlett laughs and makes a phone call and heads off, You walk up the door wondering if this a good idea seeing as Eddie was pissed off, chapping on the door you look around making sure Scarlett wasn't around

Eddie - Scarlett I'm not in the mood for this

he yells and doesn't answer the door, which you knock again bitting on your nails as you hear footsteps coming to the door, Eddie opens the door as you look up at him and smile, You don't know what came over you but you just pulled him in for a big kiss as he hugs onto tightly

You were still out of breathe which caused you pull away from him and he rests his forehead on yours

Y/N - I believe you (you look up at him)
Eddie - What changed your mind (he walks away to his bedroom as you follow)
Y/N - Something Steve had said to me at the club
Eddie - Wait Steve?
Y/N - Yeah i know, i dont what has came over him but he has been trying his hardest for us to get back together (you tell him as you sit on the edge of the bed)
Eddie - Look Y/N I didn't do what Scarlett is accussing me off I swear, ill take a dna test if that makes you see that i didnt cheat, The only is though Scarlett has got my uncle wrapped round her finger and even he believes her and until we know for sure i have to act like I'm going out with her
Y/N - Why?
Eddie - I dont want to tell you but just know that it's not something that i want to be doing
Y/N - What did she say? (you ask as you stand up)
Eddie - It doesn't matter, just im going to have to pretend to be in a relationship with her and the only way i can break free from her if i get that dna test
Y/N - So just go along with it (he looks at you confused)
Eddie - What? Are you insane?
Y/N - No, Get with her and get her to take a dna test
Eddie - Thats the thing she wont take one
Y/N - Then do it behind her back
Eddie - You are genius Y/N (he kisses you)
Y/N - Woah okay don't get too excited

You laugh at him which causes him to laugh as well, You and Eddie talk about the situation between yous two for a while and you decided that you and Eddie will be secretly together while he tricks Scarlett to think that you still hate him

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now