Chapter 35

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------ Steve's POV-------

Woah i just kissed Y/N.....I can't believe i just did that, i look her and she looks shocked than ever before

Y/N - What the fuck was that?! (she says getting mad)
Steve - ummm i don't know (i say trying to think on the spot but failing)
Y/N - Why? did you feel the need to kiss me! i'm with someone you know
Steve - Yes i do
Y/N - So what the fuck was that? (she says getting more angry with me)
Steve - I'm just going to come clean before you get more mad at me
Y/N - Please do (she crosses her arms)
Steve - I have a thing for you Y/N, and i know you are with Eddie but i can treat you so much better than him
Y/N - What? Why are you confessing this now, you know am already going through enough and now suddenly you are adding to it
Steve - I know i'm sorry (i say ashamed of myself)
Y/N - Look as much as i'm pissed of right now, i'm willing to just leave this conversation and never speak of it again
Steve - I'm sorry i really am (she goes to walk away) Please don't tell Eddie i can't lose him as a friend
Y/N - Why risk losing him then (she yells as she walks away from)

I really hope that she doesn't tell him cause i fee like world war 3 would begin, i make sure no one saw me kiss Y/N before heading back into school and going to the caffeine where i see Y/N getting into trouble with the principle,

---- Third person's view----

You walk with the principle to his office luckily they weren't thinking of suspending you but they did have to contact your mum seeing as she has put herself as the emergency contact, not even been a week here and she is already starting to creep her way through into your life, walking out of the office you are greeted by Eddie who quickly stands up and hands you your school bag since you must of left it in the caffeine

Eddie - Do you maybe want to go to our make up closet (he says with a smile as you put your bag over your shoulder)
Y/N - As much as i would love to but i have go and make a call somewhere (you say thinking on the spot trying to find an excuse to avoid him)
Eddie - Aw is everything alright? (he looks at you concerned and shocked as you usually don't turn him down)
Y/N - Yeah i've just got to go, i love you

You say quickly giving him a peck on the check and rushing out of the school building, it's not that you didn't want to be around Eddie anymore it was more of the fact you knew you would blurt out about Steve kissing you and having everything blow up in your face, rushing out of the school you stop at the phone booth and run your fingers through your hair whilst looking over at the field and spotting a car you know all to well

Y/N - Fuck my life (you say as your mum exits the car and walks infront of it looking at you)
Louise - Y/F/N Get in the car now (she shouts and you walk over to the car) This stuff i'm hearing about your behaviour at school better not be true
Y/N - Don't start mum i've had a shit day (you say walking over the passengers seat)
Louise - Yeah i'm sure fighting a helpless girl was the calm before the storm
Y/N - No, and i didn't fight a helpless girl she has it coming
Louise - And why's that that?
Y/N - Shouldn't be going round school trying to get with m- (you cut yourself off realising the trap your mum had planned out to catch you in and say negative stuff about your relationship)
Louise - What? was that?
Y/N - Nothing (you say looking out the window)
Louise - It's fine i know what happened (your eyes shot at her driving) You got into a fight with some random girl over a stupid boy
Y/N - Here we go (you roll your eyes)
Louise - Y/N when you are going to realise this boys is only after one thing from you, i've met his kind before and Jason will agree with me when i say this, he is only going to hurt you
Y/N - Well of course Jason will say that
Louise - I don't want you seeing this boy anymore, he is bad for you, you would never start fights until this boy came along, and if i see you with him then there will be consequences and i mean it

You stayed quiet trying to wrap your head around how bad this day has been, you try to zone out off your mum telling you how bad Eddie is for you and blah blah but it didn't bother you as you always find your way back to him

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now