Chapter 54

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You were standing on the stage ready to give this heart warming speech about how happy you are for the couple, You look over at Eddie, Jason, Andrew and your mum before speaking up

Y/N - You know I came up here to congrat my mum but i think I'm going to change that (you look at your mum who is shaking her head no) But I'm going to scrap that and share something that is well more meaningful, I hate this family, Jason is the worst he almost broke my arm earlier (you shoe the crowd your wrist) and threatened that he would he would kill me if i told people who he really is, My mum isn't that much better she slaps me too (you see everyone look shocked at your mum) and the worst thing is she was happy i miscarried mine and Eddie's son all because she didn't want me to have a baby with a munson (Eddie looks down at the floor sad) and it was all because she had a fling with Wayne, Who is Eddie's uncle which i personally find hilarious, (your mum starts walking over to you pissed) uhh oh here she comes clearly she doesn't want any of this coming out but i cant be fake anymore
Louise - Get off the stage (she tries to grab you down but you don't budge)
Y/N - Yeah I'm sorry mum but no, (you see Andrew walking out and your mum letting go off you to run after him) To the happy couple

You hold up your glass before drinking from it and everyone is too shocked by your speach you didn't get anyone to agree with the toast, You walk off the stage and almost fall causing Eddie to catch you

Y/N - I don't get why they hated it, it was truth (you tell him as you hold onto his arm keeping your balance whilst you walked)
Eddie - it was badass ill give you that but i think you ruined the newly marriage
Y/N - Good that was the plan
Eddie - What? (he turns to you) why would you do that? (you and him laugh as Jason walks up to you)
Jason - I thought i made it clear that I would kill you if you opened that mouth about me (he goes face to face with you whilest you stand there not showing any emotion)
Eddie - Do it, Touch her and see what happens (he steps in front of you)
Jason - what is so special about her Eddie she is worthless
Eddie - That's the mother of my son you are talking about
Jason - Yeah which is dead because the mum couldn't keep care of it
Y/N - That's not true, it was Scarlett she punched me (you blurting it out )
Eddie - Excuse me? You never told me this

He looks at you shocked by the newly news you had just told him, Jason walks away laughing at how you had just landed your self in this deep hole

Eddie - Come, lets just go home (he cuddles into you and walks out with you)

You head outside and Eddie phones for a taxi as you wait you can't help but feel a little turned on by Eddie wearing a tux you were basically staring at him which causes him to look at you and walk up to you

Eddie - What is there something on my face? (he questions)
Y/N - No (you laugh)
Eddie - Then what is darling, Why do keep staring at me
Y/N - Just you look so sexy

You pull him to you by his tie and start to kiss him passionatly as you feel him hold onto your waist, You so badly wanted him at this point that you deepen the kiss pushing him towards you as you feel him starting to smile into the kiss

Your taxi had arrived which caused your make out session to stop and you got annoyed at it, You enter the house with Eddie and your mum storms up to you whilst Eddie walks off to the kitchen to get you some water

Louise - I'll get you back for this Y/F/N

She shows you the hand where a ring should have been but isn't

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now