Chapter 28

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You wake up the next morning feeling pretty good, you dont have much of a hangover which is what you need for school, you roll over and see Eddie sleeping peacefully you smile to yourself knowing where you finally stand with him, you kiss his check and head out to the kitchen to get yourself some food, pouring milk into a bowl of ceral you feel arms wrap around you and cuddle into you

Eddie - Morning my beautiful girl
Y/N - morning, how are you feeling?
Eddie - really good, wbu (he says putting his head into your neck)
Y/N - surprisingly amazing, I'm going to have this and head in a shower
Eddie - can i join? (he says raising his head)
Y/N - as much as i would love for you to be there you can't
Eddie - aww well can i least get a kiss before you go
Y/N - sure

You peck his lips and put the bowl in sink and start to get everything ready for your shower, you quickly realise that you have no clothes here and you can't wear last night's dress to school

Y/N - Hey baby, can i wear some of your clothes for today? (you shout through at  him)
Eddie - yeah, wear whatever you want (he shouts back)

You walk over to the wardrobe and pick out a demin jacket with Eddie's hell fire top and some black jeans, you take them into the bathroom and turn on shower and take off your clothes, you step in feeling the water hit your body, you close your eyes as you enjoy a shower in the morning, you grab the products on the shelf next to the shower and use them to wash your body and hair, stepping out you grab a towel and walk into the bedroom seeing Eddie sitting on the edge ready to go

Y/N - woah you got dressed fast?
Eddie - or you were just very slow in the shower (he says smiling at you)
Y/N - do we really have to go to school (you say taking off the towel and putting on Eddies boxer and jeans)
Eddie - umm yeah (he says staring at your naked body)
Y/N - oi eyes up here

He laughs and turns away as you put on his top and denim jacket, you look in the mirror and see that you actually look pretty badass in this outfit and nothing is that baggy on you

Eddie - damn you look so hot in my clothes (he walks over to you and picks you up)
Y/N - thank you

You say smiling and he puts down and us start to make your way to van, he opens the passenger door for you and you climb in, playing music which you sing and dance along making Eddie feel proud

Arriving at school, you and Eddie walk into school holding hands with each other, people give you werid looks but you brush it off, Eddie had maths 1st and you had science, he walks to you your science class giving you a big hug and a kiss before leaving

You walk into science with a big smile on your face and sit next to Robin, she notices

Robin - whats the big grin? And what is your new outfit?
Y/N - just stole it of my boyfriend (you wink)
Robin - omg you and Eddie got back together yayyy (she says clapping)
Y/N - I saw you and Vicki, care to catch up on the gossip
Robin - I know, i kissed her and that was that but man the kiss was amazing (she sing songs "amazing")
Y/N - I'm glad you made your move, have you spoken to Steve yet?
Robin - no but he did text either saying he will be in at lunch time, do you know where he got to at the party by any chance
Y/N - yeah he got some, i saw him coming out the room with a girl when i was leaving with Eddie
Robin - omg no way, does this mean he is ready to get back out there after him and Nancy's break up
Y/N - I hope so, but if this new girl hurts me, ill break her face
Robin - ill join

You high five each other and the teacher walks into class and starts with the lesson, the whole day you have been excited to be around Eddie you dont know what is it but you feel lonely without him being there so everytime you are apart you pray time moves fast just so you can see him again

The bell had finally went off signalling next period, you make your way to your locker and so does Robin, yous where in the middle of a conversation about last night when Eddie runs up to you, he picks you up and spins you around and kisses you while doing so

Eddie - hello again (he says)
Y/N - Hey (you say with an innocent smile)
Eddie - I want to show you something, do you have a minute (you look to Robin and she nods)
Y/N - yeah, ill see you at lunch Robin okay

She nods and you walk hand in hand to wherever Eddie was taking you, he stops outside a janitors room and you look at him confused whilst he tries to open the door

Eddie - after you?
Y/N - what do you need to show me in janitors room?
Eddie - you'll see (he says with a big smile)
Y/N - okay but if you are planning on murder me make it quick and painless (Eddie laughs)
Eddie - I'm not going to kill you silly

You walk in and so does Eddie, and before you can say anything Eddie smashes his lips onto yours, you deepen the kiss and jump and wrap your legs around him whilst he pins you against the door

Eddie - finally alone at last (he says kissing you again)
Y/N - wait you just toke me to a janitor room so you can kiss me
Eddie - yep I'm making up for lost time (he says tucking a strand of hair behind your ear)
Y/N - but i need to be in a lesson right now
Eddie - so prefer listening to some boring old teacher talking shit when you could be making out with your boyfriend who loves you so much
Y/N - okay you make a good point (you say laughing)

Yous go back to kissing each other as you and Eddie can't keep your hands off each other for more than 2 minutes, you love these parts of yours and Eddie's relationship where it just you and him, you feel like its better that way, there's no one trying to get in between us 2 or nothing, you were so deep in thought you didnt realise that you stopped kissing Eddie

Eddie - something on your mind sweetheart
Y/N - Don't you just love this?
Eddie - love what?
Y/N - just us here, in this moment
Eddie - I'm not following (he looks at you confused)
Y/N - like it's just me and you, no one getting in the way of us
Eddie - well yeah, that's how I like to but sometimes it won't be and that's fine
Y/N - ill choose over the world (you say putting your hand on his check)
Eddie - same here baby girl, it will always be us against the world

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now