Chapter 56

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------ Eddie's POV -------

I've hunted everywhere looking for Y/N to tell her the truth that the baby isn't mine, I'm so sure of that ill take a dna test if I have too, I'm not a cheater and never will be its not in blood to do a thing like that, I arrive at her house and knock on the door to see her mum standing there looking disappointed in me

Eddie - Hey is Y/N there?
Louise - Yeah but you ain't seeing her, That girl has been bawling her eyes out and I'm willing to take a guess that it's because of you
Eddie - I didn't do what she thought i did, can i just talk to her?
Louise - No you will not be seeing my daughter ever again (i roll my eyes at her)
Eddie - Thats not your decision to make though
Louise - Don't tell me what i can or can't do, I'm protecting my daughter
Eddie - No you arent you are controlling her

And with that comment she slams the door in my face, I look up and see Y/N's balcony, This it Eddie you have to talk to her even if it means climbing up a tree i say trying to talk myself into doing this

I finally make up to her balcony struggling to climb over the railing as Robin comes over and opens the door

Robin - You probably shouldn't be here
Eddie - Just let me talk to Y/N
Robin - Was what Scarlett said true?
Eddie - Let me talk to her and ill tell yous everything

She moves out of the door way and points to the wardrobe where Y/N is, i walk in and see her getting changed into a dress

Eddie - Can i talk to you? (she turns around and looks at me)
Y/N - No
Eddie - Come on please don't get stubborn now (she throws her shoes on the ground)
Y/N - You got another girl pregnant shit head i get to be stubborn
Eddie - So you believe Scarlett over me? (she goes silent) When are you going to trust me Y/N
Y/N - I don't trust you (she yells)
Eddie - You don't trust me? (I say softly trying not get hurt by her words)
Y/N - No i dont now if you would excuse me so i can go out with my friends to club
Eddie - Fuck you Y/N
Y/N - You already done that remember

Robin and Steve chuckle by her comment and i leave slamming the door behind me, I was hurt by Y/N saying she doesn't trust me ive done everything in my power to make sure that I was the man she wanted to be with but I failed

------ Y/N's POV -------

I was getting ready for a party with Robin whilst Steve was admiring my room for some reason

Steve - Whats this? (he picks up Eddie's guitar pick hanging on a shelve)
Y/N - That's... That's nothing (i say taking it off him and looking at it)
Steve - It was his wasn't it?
Y/N - Who cares, let's go and get our drink on

I put the necklace on my nightstand and head out, I'm only drinking tonight to forget about the past year of me and Eddie, It has came to an end now, I'd be lying if I said i didn't want it to end but that's the thing with high school love they never last and one person always end up heartbroken, i should've have just listened to my mum about him she was right and she was only trying to protect me from all this

Steve - On a good note you only have to see Eddie for another and then it's the school holiday (he says as we are sitting in the taxi)
Robin - true, Y/N are wanting to do something for that
Y/N - I've always wanted to go to New York
Robin - Let's book it and go away for a few weeks and leave Hawkins behind for a bit
Y/N - I would love that

------ Steve's POV-------

Y/N and Robin plan thier trip away while I go on my phone, I must admit I hate how off and on Y/N and Eddie's relationship is but they can't break up, they are literally perfect for each other, i know Y/N blurted out that she doesn't trust Eddie but that's got to be in the heat of the moment, Just the way she looked at the necklace gave me all the answers, She isnt over him and she will never get over him, I'm going to try everything in my power to get back together even if I have feelings for Y/N I'm cool being friends and i want to see her happy even if it kills me inside, Eddie is her happy place no question about that

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now