Chapter 43

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------ Y/N's POV-----

Me and Max take the bus back to school as walking there is out off the picture cause we will never make in time, Max is very happy about the baby boy she has been giving me names the whole time we were on the bus

Max - Oh my god you should name after me, Max
Y/N - No i'm wanting to see my baby boy before i think of a name for him
Max - Have you thought about telling Eddie yet?
Y/N -No and i'm not going to as it will just make things worst (i sigh and look out the window)
Max - But think about how happy he will be, i can picture it Eddie running about after his son (she smiles)
Y/N - Look i'm not telling him so back off(i snap at her and she jumps) I'm sorry just everything is getting to me
Max - It's fine i know alot is on your plate at the moment i won't mention Eddie sorry
Y/N - It's fine just please don't tell anyone

She nods with a smile as the bus pulls up to the school gate for us to get off, Max goes off to chill with her friends and i walk into the caffeine, I see a big crowd of people yelling which i run other too and meet robin there

Robin - For th love of god Y/N get your man in line
Y/N - What's happened?
Robin - Steve decided it would fun to shit talk you infront of Eddie again
Y/N - I leave for one lunch and this happens are you serious? And what do you mean again?  (i look at her confused)
Robin - Does it matter?, you get Eddie i'll get Steve

I nod at her as we push our way through the corwd of people, Steve is laying on the ground with Eddie pinning him down and punching his face, i try to pull him of Steve but nothing was working i start to get frausted at the both of them

Y/N - Eddie get of him (i say as i catch his hand before he makes another punch)
Eddie - No ( he goes for another punch)
Y/N - I said get of him

I punch him really hard in the face which causes him to snap out of it, he holds onto his nose as he looks at me and i'm not going to lie i've always wanted to punch him I mean i did enjoy punching Eddie but i was really shocked at that moment, He gets off Steve and Robin helps him up as she sits Steve down on a chair close to him Everyone is staring at me at the fact i just punched Eddie which puts me on the spot

Y/N - Show is over ( i yell as everyone walks away) Are you okay? ( i walk over to Eddie)
Eddie - Aww you know just a bleeding a nose (he says sarcastically)
Y/N - Come on i'll get you cleaned up ( i hold my hand for him to hold)
Eddie - You must had some built up rage on you (he says to me as i lead him to the bathrooms) You do know this is the boys bathrooms right?
Y/N - Yeah and i don't care ( i hold the door open for him and he sits on the bunkers as i go between his legs to clean him up)
Eddie - Thank you (he speaks up as i start to clean his nose)
Y/N - What for ?
Eddie - For punching me and saving me from killing him
Y/N - Why did you want to kill him? (i say as i get a new piece of toilet roll)
Eddie - Cause he gets on my nerves and i hated the way he was talking about you
Y/N - You don't need to protect me anymore Eddie i can handle stuff on my own
Eddie - I still want to protect you, i've never felt like this about anyone before (he puts his hand on my hips and i look down)
Y/N - And what do you feel about me? (i say looking back up him and make eye conact)
Eddie - Hopelessly in love with you (he says quiet) I still love you Y/N i always will

He closes his eyes and puts his back as if he regretted saying what he said

Y/N - Eddie i can't get back together with you, i want you to actually have a life and you can't have that with me ( he looks at me)
Eddie - But my life is with you (he tucks a piece hair behind my ear as i hug into his hand)
Y/N - You don't though i know you don't want to be stuck with me forever
Eddie - That's where you are wrong

he puts both hands on my check and rest his had on mine, he is so close i can feel his breathe on me which comforts me in a way that i close my eyes and lean in for a kiss which he kisses me back, My god how i've missed this, I pull away and he pulls me back not wanting to let go off the kiss, he jumps of the bunker and pulls in me into him and he starts to walk me to the bathroom stall and locks the bathroom stall behind him

Thats when i start to realise what is happening and what happened the last time we had sex, i start to freak out a little and push him away whilst he stands there confused

Eddie - I'm sorry i shouldn't of done that
Y/N - No it's not your fault just everything is happening to soon and it's scary
Eddie - What is? Come on Y/N stop hiding stuff from me (he begs for me to tell him)
Y/N - I can't tell you
Eddie - Why? I should be the frist person you tell anything to
Y/N - It's not that just i'm scared
Eddie - On what? on how i will react? If it something that is making you this miserable i won't react badly, when are you going to trust me?
Y/N - (tears start to form in my eyes) I can't tell you because i don't want to hold you down to me i want you have your own life (i say as i put my hand on his check)
Eddie - But i will have my own life (his eyes start to gloss over at how hurt he was)
Y/N - I'm sorry i can't

I say running out of the stall and into the hall way, tears are streaming down my face at this point, I do want to tell Eddie that he is going to have son but i can't, it will make things more awarkard than they already are just as i make my way back into the caffeine I dry my eyes and before you know it I'm meet with Scarlett, This bitch better not say anything that will piss me off

Scarlett - Well look who do we have here?
Y/N - Piss off
Scarlett - I hope you didn't just get with my man and that's what took you so long
Y/N - Please he would rather date a slug than go near you again
Scarlett - That's funny cause he went near me last night
Y/N - Sure he did (you say with a smirk)
Scarlett - I don't know you are always running after him but he wants nothing to do with you
Y/N - Is that so? (I say knowing full well what just happened in the toilets)
Scarlett - What are you smiling about werido
Y/N - Nothing just how fun it will be to punch your lights out

And with that comment that's when Scarlett kicks you in the ankle causing you to retaliate back and punch her in the face, Yous start a full blown fight in the caffeine which is fair to say that you won due her lying on the floor almost passing out

You were sent the principles office yet again and only got away with a warning which you don't know how you dodge that but you did and you must say you were proud of it, you walk to the girls bathrooms as you needed to go and when you when you go to flush the toilet you notice that the toilet water is fulled with blood

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now