Chapter 48

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You and Eddie stand there shocked as Wayne and Louise know each other, You were stunned for words to be exact and a million things where running through your head

Y/N - Mum why do you know Wayne
Louise - I am not talking about this and Wayne don't say a word (she points at him) come get in the car now Y/N
Y/N - Not until you tell me how you know Wayne
Louise - No, you don't need to know anything about my life
Y/N - Yes I do if you do with me (she rolls her eyes at you)
Louise - Just get the car Y/N (she walks towards you but Eddie steps infront you protecting you again) Move out the way Munson
Eddie - No, You tell your daughter what is going on (he starts to get demanding and you smile)
Louise - For fuck sake, Fine, Wayne and I had a fling when we were your age and he is the one who broke my heart and is why I won't let you (she points at Eddie) break my daughters heart (she yells as the room falls silent)
Y/N - So this all its been about, you can't let go of your frist heart break and me and Eddie have to pay the price for it? (she stands there slient) You know what mum, Me and Eddie we might be at each others throat most of the time but I love him and he loves me and you can try and stop us from dating but nothing will tear us apart (you hold onto Eddie's hand as you say that)
Louise - Please Y/N you wouldn't know love if it hit on the back of the head
Y/N - But that's where your wrong, I always thought I would never have love due to my parents being so toxic but turns out I can
Louise - Y/N just get in the car I'm not having this conversation with you
Y/N - No, I'm staying here with my boyfriend thank you very much
Louise - Don't push it
Y/N - Ohhh I won't push it but i will do this

you turn Eddie's head to face you and make out with him infront of you mum, Thats when your mum storms up to and grabs ahold of your arm aggressively and you try and yank her off you but she turns around slaps you again for the second time this day,

Louise - You are a little whore Y/N

Your mum yells at you whilst being shoved out the trailer Wayne, You were currently hugging into Eddie as your mum was being forced off the property, He holds you close as he puts a hand over your ear trying his hardest for you not to hear what your mum had said

Wayne - And that's why i don't deal with crazy bitches anymore (he slams the door) are you okay Y/N? (Eddie let's go off you)
Y/N - Meh it's my mum she will always be like this until she gets what she wants
Wayne - Don't worry, Both of yous, yeah i had a thing for Louise but I'm not going to stop yous two from being happy (he hands you and Eddie a beer) Yous both look like you need it
Y/N - Thank you (just as you open it the door goes again) Ughh this bitch ima break the bottle on her head (you try to walk over to the door but Eddie holds onto your arm)
Eddie - No you arent
Wayne - Relax, it's just the food
Eddie - Yeah please don't wack the food people with a bottle (he laughs as he takes a sip of beer)

You, Eddie and Wayne all sat down having a few drinks and watching movies, Some where horror movies and others where comedies, You couldn't help but feel at home at Eddie's trailer like Wayne was so supportive with you and treated you much better than your family that you actually started to feel comfortable around him

As Grown ups 2 finish, you and Eddie were the only ones still awake as Wayne passed out during the movie you both were too focused on the movie to realise he fell asleep, Getting up from the couch and placing the beer on the bunker with Eddie following behind you

Eddie - Do you want to do something? (he rests his arms on the bunker)
Y/N - Like what? (you turn around to face him)
Eddie - We can always head somewhere and just escape for a bit
Y/N - That's sounds go but where?
Eddie - I know a place

He smirks at you and goes get his keys whilst you put your shoes on and grab yourself a jacket and wait out by the car for him

You and Eddie drive for a long time which you didnt mind as both of you were singing along to music on the journey to where ever he was taking you, You take a video of you and Eddie singing and post up on your snapchat to embrass him later with when he knows that you posted to your story

You arrive at a forest and you begun to get scared at how dark it looked and how it reminded you of a horror movie, Eddie notices and turns you to face him

Eddie - No need to be scared baby girl I'll protect you okay
Y/N - Have you not seen any horror movies?
Eddie - Please nothing is going to happen i use to come here everynight and sneak away from life and I'm still here

You nod as both of you get out the car Eddie walks infront of you and you run up to him and hold on his hand, Every noise that was made in this forest scared you which you hated as you dont like feeling afaird of anything

You had been walking sometime now and your legs where starting to get sore and you begun to be out of breathe, You had used to noises they didn't scare as much but you would be lying if you said now and then you didnt think of something jumping out at you, You stopped for a minute causing Eddie to turn around and see what was wrong

Eddie - You okay Darling? (A/N Eddie saying darling? I need this in my life 🤤!! )
Y/N - Yeah I'm good just my legs are beginning to hurt (you shake either leg)
Eddie - Do you a piggyback there?
Y/N - Sure

He bends down as you climb onto his back and wrapping your legs and arms around him, You snuggled your head into his neck and would gradually give him neck kisses to annoy him as you know that is his biggest weakness

Eddie - Stop it (he says through gritted teeth and you laugh at him)
Y/N - But it's fun
Eddie - Yeah for you not for me
Y/N - Awww is Eddie getting turned on? (you start to tease him)
Eddie - Right that's it

He stops and puts you down on the floor and slams you against a tree, He begins kissing you as his hands go close to your pussy, He was just about to start rubbing your clit until he pulls away and starts walking away

Y/N - That's not fair (you groan at him and he laughs)
Eddie - Sorry but i had to show my baby girl how it feels
Y/N - I hate you so much
Eddie - I love you too (he laughs)

You walk for a few more minutes and that's when Eddie stops and puts his arm out infront of you to stop walking off a cliff, You look down and see a beautiful River with a waterfall there was some light due to the moon hitting of the water, but you just adored the view, Eddie sits down on the edge and puts his hand up to help you sit down with him

Eddie - It's beautiful just like you princess (he bops your nose)
Y/N - Woah it's so cool
Eddie - Yeah it is, I used come here every night and get high, I was really lonely during those days and I always promised myself that when I find the one for me I'm going to take her here and show her how beautiful it is
Y/N - You think I'm the one for you?
Eddie - Yeah i do

He looks over at you and smiles which causes you to blush, you sigh at how peaceful it is and swing your feet back and forth as you lay your head on Eddie's shoulder and he rests his head on top of yours


A little cute chapter for you Eddie lovers out there ❤️

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