Chapter 58

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You were catching Robin and Steve up on the gossip, You were telling them how much faith you have in Eddie for him to be telling you the truth about the whole Scarlett situation, Robin and Steve were agreeing with you 100% which kinda made you feel like you weren't alone with how you were feeling

Scarlett and Eddie walked into the caffeine holding hands you could definitely tell Eddie didn't want to be there but he was doing this to prove his word to you

Robin - Here's your que for the fake happy relationship (she whispered and rolled her eyes)
Y/N - I know right but if this proves he isn't lying I'm okay (you say through gritted teeth)
Robin - are you actually okay with it though?
Y/N - want me to be truthfully honest? (they both nod at you) Not really i hate our relationship has be kept private and we hardly get to see each other but that's life

----- Steve's POV-------

I'm glad Y/N and Eddie have figured everything out but she is still not okay with the situation, i mean she is basically known in the school for being the girl that got cheated and her boyfriend knocked someone up, As much i hate to say this i believe Eddie the baby isn't his, Why would he cheat? As Y/N goes on about how she is not okay with everything I take this opportunity to cause a scene with this bitch Scarlett

I stand up and walk over while Robin and Y/N tell me not to, She is eating a salad whilst arm locking herself onto Eddie like he is a prisoner of some short

Steve - Oi bitch face Scarlett (I say loudly causing everyone to look my way)
Scarlett - Aww look the one who broke up Y/N and Eddie (she says with a smirk) what's up stevie?
Steve - Don't call me that and cut the bullshit
Scarlett - I have no idea what you are talking about? (she says softly)
Steve - Ohhh please we all know this baby isn't his and that you are just a jealous crazy bitch who wants drama, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't know who the father is
Scarlett - Well well Steve is defending a relationship he is so against (she stands up and crosses her arms over her chest)
Steve - aww please the only relationship that I'm not okay with is this one right here, Eddie is one of my closest friends and you can not keep him as prisoner
Scarlett - (she laughs) I'm not he is free to make to his own decisions
Steve - Is that right (I look at her with squint eyes) Fine then, Eddie would you like to come and sit with us (i ask and he nods)
Scarlett - He isnt sitting with you
Steve - But i thought he was allowed to make his own decision (I put her on the spot) unless you don't him around Y/N cause you know they will get back together as Eddie clearly doesn't have any feelings for you whatsoever and the baby isn't really his

Scarlett looks at me and walks out of the caffeine like she was embarrassed I smile knowing I got under her skin as Eddie stands up with his tray and walks to me

Eddie - Hey, thank you I really hate that bitch
Steve - Don't we all
Eddie - But why do that for me?
Steve - Talk to your girl please she clearly isn't okay with this
Eddie - What did Y/N tell you everything?
Steve - Yeah I'm the one that caused her to go to your house last night as she was clearly drinking to hid her feelings
Eddie - Thank you man i really appreciate it

He pats me in the shoulder and smiles at me as I return the smile, He walks over to Robin and Y/N and put his tray down as he looks around to make sure no one was watching as he holds Y/Ns hand and walks out the caffeine with her I head over to Robin as she claps at me

Robin - Wow look at that Steve putting the class A bitch in her place, good job (she high fives me)
Steve - Know all we need is for you to put her in her place and then the whole group has done it (i laugh and she nods her head)
Robin - As much as i want i just know what she will say to me and i dont want that to happen
Steve - Please with Y/Ns temper you really think she will allow Scarlett to talk shit about you
Robin - You have point but she has already been in enough fights as it is i dont want her get to expelled
Steve - Don't worry about that, the way i see it is we get a couple days off
Robin - How's that?
Steve - Well Y/N get expelled, Eddie will join her, I'll join Eddie and you will join me, Since I'm your best friend and you can't live me without me
Robin - Please i cant live without a grape longer than I can live without you

She jokes at me as I laugh at her, I really hope everything is going good between Y/N and Eddie and I hope she isnt mad at me for telling Eddie how she is feeling cause i know that she will never tell him

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