Chapter 45

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You and Eddie agreed yous were both going to try and make it work out as you both really need each other at the moment, Eddie insisted on staying for a bit as he didn't want you on your own after finding out about your miscarriage, He had decided on watching a movie to try and cheer you abit which he didn't have to do but you felt loved by him doing it, You were currently making your way downstairs to grab some snacks for the both of you, you were shocked to see Jason downstairs as you thought no one was in

You walk over to the fridge grabbing some snacks and trying to get out of the kitchen as the silence was loud between the both of you, Just as you were about leave that's when Jason decids to pipe up to you

Jason - Wait until everyone finds out (you turn to look at him and he smirks at you)
Y/N - Until people find out about what?
Jason - That you almost had a baby with the school's freak
Y/N - Keep your mouth shut Jason or else
Jason - Or else what Y/N? You'll set your crazed up boyfriend on me, oh please you know if you do that your mum will find out and there goes your chances at happy ever after with the freak
Y/N - You are really low if you have to bring a dead baby into this fued you have with my boyfriend

Jason just laughs at you and you storm upstairs and slamming the door shut making Eddie jump a little

Eddie - What's wrong sweetheart? (he takes the snacks of you)
Y/N - Jason being a prick as always he heard about the miscarriage
Eddie - Do you want me to say anything to him?
Y/N - No it will just make things worst
Eddie - Okay sweetheart, Just so you know if he brings my son into this ima kill him
Y/N - I'll bail you out of jail

You smile at him and he smiles back at you and kisses your forehead, Yous both get comfy and start to watch a movie which you decide to watch Spree (😉 if you know you know 😉), you lay your head on Eddie's chest as he plays with your hair

Eddie - That movie was really good
Y/N - It was, too bad that guy Kurt looks a look Steve (😉)
Eddie - Meh who cares Steve is in the past for us
Y/N - True, Hey sweetie? (you ask as you run your fingers on his chest)
Eddie - Yeah baby doll?
Y/N - Can i do your make up? (you look up at him)
Eddie - Not my make up but you can paint my nails if you want
Y/N - Deal what colour do you want?
Eddie - I'll let you choose princess (he tucks your hair being your ear)

You walk off and get your nail paint and look through the colours you had, you tell Eddie to close his eyes whilst you pick out the colours and start painting his nails, He was a bit wriggle with you painting his nails and he kept making you fuck up on sometimes

Y/N - Stop wriggling your finger
Eddie - It's cold what do you expect
Y/N - Stop being a wimp you pussy
Eddie - I'll make you fuck up this design more if i have too
Y/N - Please don't im almost finished (you laugh at the thought his reaction)
Okay open them
Eddie - Wow (he says looking at his green with pink spots nail design) They are so good sweetheart (he kisses your check)
Y/N - Are you sure? I know you only like dark colours so i decided to switch it up a bit
Eddie - No i love them it's always good to come out your comfort zone

You both look each in the eyes and next thing you know Eddie is tackling you on your back and puts either leg beside your waist, He starts to kiss you as you wrap your arms around his neck

Eddie - I love you Y/F/N
Y/N - I love you too Eddie Munson (you kiss him one last time as he looks over at your clock on the night stand)
Eddie - Oh shit, it's about 3 in the morning, I need to get back before i have Wayne worried about where I am
Y/N - Do you have to leave so soon (you whine at him)
Eddie - Yeah i do princess but you'll me at school later on I promise (he kisses you lips and you deepen it not wanting him to go) Okay Y/N come on
Y/N - No (you wrap your arms and legs around him tightly as he goes to stand up)
Eddie - Come on babygirl, You'll be seeing me later okay?
Y/N - Why can't I come with you? (you whine again still holding onto Eddie)
Eddie - Cause your mum will kill us
Y/N - But please (you try and use the puppy eyes on him but he isnt having any of it)
Eddie - Look I'll stay with you until you fall asleep and then you won't be seeing me leave, is that okay? (he squeezes your ass a bit)
Y/N - Okay (you admit defeat)

You and Eddie crawl back into bed and Eddie spoons into you as you close your eyes feeling comfortable in the hug, You are so glad that you told Eddie about the baby and the miscarriage so far he has been nothing but supportive with you

-----The next at school in the caffeine---

You and Eddie walk in the caffeine and meet up Robin, She looks surprised to see you with Eddie but you are just guessing that's cause she doesn't know the full story

Robin - Are yous two? (she says with a glem in her smile)
Y/N - Yeah we are (you kiss Eddie)
Robin - Oh my good I'm so happy yous have decided to get back together (she hugs both of you) and hey you where have you been you had me worried sick over here (she slaps your arm)
Eddie - Yeah about that you'll probably want to sit down when you hear it
Robin - Ohh I'm interested (she says rubbing her hands together as she sits in front you)
Y/N - I'm pregnant... Well i was, I miscarriaged about a week ago (her smile turns to a frawn)
Robin - Is that what you didn't want to tell us (you nod at her and start tearing up again, Robin notices and comes over to hug you)
Eddie - Yeah she has been very strong on the matter and I'm so proud of her for making it through, i just wish me and you werent against her at the time and maybe she would have had someone to talk to
Y/N - Well i did have someone there it wasn't just all me but they don't about the miscarriage
Robin - Who was there Y/N?
Y/N - Max she came with me to the ultrasound and I'm always going to be grateful for her
Eddie - So will i sweetheart

He rubs your back as if to comfort you, And that's when you see Jason standing up on the table ready to make an announcement

Eddie - He isnt going to do what i think he is right ?
Y/N - Anything is possible with him (you mumble)
Robin - What is he going to do? (she asks but get ignored)

Jason - Everyone pay attention to me, I have really excellent news for you all (he says clapping) My very own step sister is pregnant (everyone starts to look at you) Or she was, But that's not the best part the baby's dad was going to be the freak we all know and love, Eddie Munson, imagine that (he laughs and you go up to confort him)
Y/N - Jason what the hell is your problem
Jason - Nothing just thought it would be something funny to share with the whole school (he steps down of the table)
Eddie - Right that's enough Jason you have crossed the line (he tries to go for him but you hold him back with your arm)
Jason - What are you going to do about Munson, hit me?

That's when out of no where Max decides to show up and kick him where it counts, everyone stands there in shock as she knees him in the face

Max - Keep Y/N and Eddie's baby out your mouth or ill make sure you can't have any children

She yells at me and runs over to you and Eddie and pulls you both in for a hug

Max - Come on lets go outside and Eddie get Y/N a fag will you
Eddie - Right on it Red (he salutes her as he takes a fag packet from his back pocket and hands one to you)


Max - When did he find out about the pregnancy and when did you lose the little guy (she rubs you stomach)
Y/N - Well Jason found out last night and i lost him roughly a week ago now all because i got into a fight
Max - Scarlett?
Y/N - Yeah, they told me she must of hit my stomach really hard that it did something to the baby
Max - When I see that fake blonde bitch ima lose my shit
Y/N - Please don't she is the last of my worries
Max - Yeah your main on is that blonde freak in thier who is your step brother
Y/N - Don't worry i have a plan for him and my mum that will destroy both of them soon

You make a evil smile which causes Eddie and Max to share a scared look between due to them not knowing what your plan was

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now