Charpter 32

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You turn around and see your mum Louise, you were so shocked to see her standing there, you literally had no thought or movement towards her being there unexpectedly

Louise - it is you? (she goes to pull you in for a hug and you hug her back)
Y/N - well yeah but why are here i thought you wouldn't be arriving for another two weeks, that is what you said on the phone
Louise - yeah i know but things have moved way faster than i thought me and andrew just bought a house the now, its got four bedrooms and three baths
Y/N - yepi, aww mum i forgot to say, this is my boyfriend Eddie
Louise - hello (she goes cold towards him an you roll at your eyes)  what's that on your neck young lady (she refers to your hickey)
Y/N - it's nothing you need to point to out in public that's for sure
Louise - wow i'm very disappointed in you Y/N
Y/N - yep i knew this was going to start, me and eddie have to be at school soon so i'll see you soon hopefully

You basically run out there before your mum could stop you, you made your way back to car

Eddie - well i think your mum hates me already (he say chuckling)
Y/N - Don't worry she will hate Steve and Robin too, she hates it when i have a life that she can't control
Eddie - can i ask you question?
Y/N - yeah? (you say turning to face him)
Eddie - will you be staying at your mum's with Andrew and Jason
Y/N - Yeah although the sound of a living in a paper bag outside sounds better
Eddie - You can stay with me
Y/N - Yeah like my mum would allow that happen (you laugh)

You and Eddie head back to his place and you slowly start to go insane on why you mum is suddenly here and why she thinks she can just go back to her old habits, you know she hates eddie already but you don't care cause you know you and eddie will find away to work around it, that's how strong of a connection yous two have

Arriving at eddies, you walk in see Wayne sitting on the couch

Y/N - Hey, sorry we thought you would be at work
Wayne - No, i got sent home early due to management
Eddie - Aw hey, do you mind if Y/N stays the night?
Wayne - No i honestly don't, just please behave yourselfs
Eddie - We will don't worry, we are mainly just going to be talking about something that happened today

Eddie tells his uncle as it was truth, you did have alot on your plate at the moment but you didn't really want to talk about it to anyone, you just wanted to have one more chilled night with eddie before you move in with your mum again

Eddie - do you want watch a movie and have a joint
Y/N - That would be perfect please, do you mind if i go for a shower before we do that though
Eddie - Not at all, ill get everything tidied up and stuff ready for you for when you come out
Y/N - Thank you, you really are what i've always dreamt off

You smile at him and jump of the bed walking towards to the bathroom, turning on the shower and getting it to the right temperature before hopping in, As the hot water runs down your body you close your eyes thinking through everything until you hear a knock on the door, you knew it was Eddie because of the type of knock he does, you shout at him to come in and he does, he doesn't say anything to you, he just takes his clothles off and hops in the shower with you cuddling into you as the water hits both of you, you don't know what came over you this time but you started to cry, Eddie hears it and hugs you tighter, maybe it was  just you being overwhelmed that caused you to cry or maybe it was you overthinking the worst possible situations in your head but all you know is that you don't want to be feeling this way

After the shower you and Eddie got dressed and had a joint before putting on Scary Movie, you cuddled into Eddie as he gives you head scraches which made you very sleepy but you managed to stay away enough to finish the movie

------ The Next Morning-----

You wake up to your phone ringing quickly answering it before waking up the whole trailer, you hear your mums voice

Louise - I want you to meet me for Brunch at Twelve, and do not i repeat do not bring that boyfriend of yours with you
Y/N - Okay jeez i won't, i'll meet you there i guess
Louise - Good, ill text you the address in a mintute or two and dress smartly
Y/N - Well no offense but i'll dress how i want to be dressed
Louise - Don't talk to me like that young lady

You hang up the phone and sigh, it starts to feel like everyday you wake up there is always something that going to happen, you look at the time and see it is 11 o'clock, You walk through into the kitchen and make oatmeal for you and Eddie to have, you also bring thrrough two glasses of milk and put them on the night stand

Y/N - Eddie wake up (you shake him and he groans) Eddie come on
Eddie - Ughhh but i just want to lay here all day with my baby (he says in a sleepy voice)
Y/N - You can't and also i made food, oatmeal (you wave the bowl infront of his face)
Eddie - Okay fine, I'm up I'm up

He says sitting up and taking the bowl off you whilst you sit in the edge and yous eat your oatmeal

Eddie - So what's the plan for today? I mean it is Saturday, we could always go somewhere
Y/N - as much as i would love too i can't, my mum phoned me either and i need to meet her for brunch
Eddie - wow brunch sounds.... (he plays with his good trying to find the words)
Y/N - Snobby I know, i got told to wear something nice
Eddie - bad one

He pulls a face and you nod in agreement, you finish your oatmeal and went to do the dishes before getting changed into Eddie's clothes and heading to see your mum

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now