Chapter Five

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You woke up with your head resting on Eddie's lap and Eddie passed out on the couch, you smile at the thought of last night, none ever does that let alone get you cum, you sit properly and check your phone, you see a lot of missed phone calls from Billy, that's when you realise that you cheated

Eddie - what? Hm I'm awake
Y/N - I cheated Eddie
Eddie - everyone cheats on there math test it's fine just come back to bed (you instantly lose hope)
Y/N - no not on maths on Billy you dingbat, I cheated on Billy he is going to be so pissed (you say as you start worrying) I cheated on him I'm the worst human ever
Eddie - hey calm down there, you aren't the worst human (he tries to comfort you but you are too mad at yourself to care)
Y/N - no I am, I am Eddie you don't understand I am

He pulls in for a well needed hug and you just begin to feel weak you hug him back and take in his scent and feeling before breaking apart the hug, he puts his hand underneath your chin and lifts your head so you can amend eye contact

Eddie - Look, yeah last night happened it was fun we enjoyed ourselves but I'm not going to tell Billy, last night will be for me and you only (he says as he reassures me) you'll be fine I know you will be
Y/N - how do you know that?
Eddie - cause you have got me I'm not going to say to peep about this to anyone, know go get in the shower out your clothes come out have a fag and phone Billy and just say that you were at robins or something

You nod and wonder off to do excalty what he said, you start to run the hot water as you step into the shower, you take the nice warm water and sign at the thought of last

Eddie was way better than any one you have been with, it's like Eddie had the missing piece from you and Billy s relationship and it confused cause you didn't know how to feel about it

You are quickly snapped out of your thoughts by Eddie knocking on the door

Eddie - are you wanting anything to eat gorgeous?
Y/N - I wouldn't mind some toast and a joint
Eddie - you got it

You smile and hope out of the shower you enter Eddie's room to get changed whilst he is cooking up breakfast, you look around his room and notice he is a really big heavy metals fan, you notice something that caught your eye, a pair of handcuffs attached the wall

Y/N - well that's explains the choking last night (you mutter to yourself)

You get dressed and send a quick message to Billy lying about where you have been, you are actually scared to see him now cause you can't face him anymore knowing that you are cheater

You walk out into the kitchen and see some toast with a joint beside, you feel hands wrap around your waist

Eddie - Made it just for you (he rests his head in your neck)
Y/N - Thank you ( you say softly)

You finish the toast and the joint and are ready to see Billy again, you were about to walk out when Eddie stops you

Eddie - would it be totally inappropriate if I kissed you goodbye
Y/N - I mean I'm basically a dead girl walking so you might as well
Eddie - No you aren't come here

He pulls in and kisses you before the trailer, you decide you were going to walk home and have time to yourself and clear your mind out, but you can't seem to get Eddie out your mind it's like he is a permanent stamp on your brain and it's driving you nuts, you walk to Billy house and embrace yourself before walking in

Billy - there you are ( he runs up and pulls you in for a hug) I was so worried about you, why didn't you call or text?
Y/N - sorry I got busy last night
Billy - doing what? ( He asked concerned)
Y/N - I just stayed the night and watch movies at robin's place that's all

You quickly make up a lie on the spot and Billy doesn't second guess it, you were really heartbroken to lie to him but you couldn't stop thinking about last night and the sad truth was is that you wanted more but you would never admit your feelings to any one

You went onto Snapchat to add Eddie on and finding him wasn't so hard as his user name being his name you don't think much of it let alone he adds back that's until your phone goes off to see he has added your back, your heart begins flutter and you consider if texting would seem to needy until it says he is typing

Eddie - im guessing last night was so good you wanted more
(You smile and think of your reply)
Y/N - yeah I do 😘 (you decide to boost his ego just a bit)
Eddie - come and get me then 😉

You laugh to yourself and decided to leave him on read, you lay back on yours and Billy's bed and think if why you are know stuck possible liking two men at the same time it was unbelievable for you

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now