Chapter 37

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----- The weekend of decorating------

You, Robin, Eddie and Steve all went to ikea, yous brought two cars for everything to go back, yous were currently looking at beds and mattresses

Y/N - i like this one (you say as you point to  black gaslift bed)
Robin - Omg feel how soft this mattress is (she lays down on the mattress) i'm so jealous you get to do all this
Y/N - Trust me it's not as fun as you think

You tell her as you write the codes of the bed and mattress down on a bit on paper to find them storage later

Steve - What's still left to get? (he asks as he puts his hands on hips)
Y/N - TV unit, Desk, Make-up drawer, Mirror, Mirror lights, Tv and most importantly bits and bobs
Steve - Ughh not the bits and bobs, we are going to be here forever (he moans at how long you are taking to find stuff)
Eddie - Hey knock off man she is happy and after her week she deserves to be happy (he defends you)
Robin - Omg Y/N look at these beautiful drawers (she takes your hand and walks you to 9 alex drawers)
Y/N - yes, yes a million times yes (Robin tells you code and write down)
Eddie - Hey sweetie, what colours are you doing your room? (he shouts over)
Y/N - I was thinking black, white, emerald green and gold
Robin - Basic bitch (she mumbles to you an you laugh)
Eddie - Would this little thing be any good (he walks with a black and gold gold marble wax melter)
Y/N - Your so cute and yes it would be (you say taking it off him and adding it to trolly) just so you know it's a wax melter
Eddie - Why do you need to melt wax? what letters are you sending?(he says referring to the wax you put on the back of letters)
Y/N - No silly its to make your room smell nice (you say laughing and ruffing up his hair)

Yous all walk around ikea finding stuff for your room, Eddie and steve went looking for something you needed, Leaving you and Robin to just crack on with everything, you thought this might a good opportunity to tell someone about Steve cause he has been moody and distant with you ever since the kiss happened and you do trust Robin allot

Y/N - Hey Robin, do you know if Steve likes anyone?
Robin - I mean he did he had thing for this girl that dating is someone, why? (she asks looking a fake plant dangling off a wall)
Y/N - Promise you won't freak out?
Robin - I promise (she looks at you confused)
Y/N - Steve kissed me and said he has feelings for me
Robin - Holy shit!! That's huge, Wait what he kissed you when he knew you were with Eddie
Y/N - Yeah, But we promised never to talk again, and he has been distant and moody with me since
Robin - Woah, well i mean you were probably the frist girl to turn him down and you had every right to, Does Eddie know?
Y/N -No jesus christ, come on do you really think we would still dating?
Robin - Ohh come on he wouldn't break up with you, yeah he would be pissed and there might be a possibility of Steve being killed but that's it, he loves you and i'm sure he wouldn't break up with you as long as you pulled away from the kiss....wait you did stop the kiss right? (she looks at you)
Y/N - Obviously
Robin - Yeah girl you'll be totally fine, Steve on the other hand not so much

Just as you were about to say something, Steve walks up to both of us, He was out of breath and must of been running

Robin - Steve what the hell
Steve - Yeah don't get mad but me and Eddie got lost and i can't find him
Y/N - OH great, how do you lost a man?
Steve - Well its not my fault this place is huge
Y/N - Great, i'll phone him

You start to call him and he picks up, he tells you he at the storage and shelving department, which you signal Robin to go get him while you slap Steve on the back of his head making him rub it, A few minutes later you see Robin and Eddie and yous all start shopping again

Ikea was a big place after all and you did all decide to stay in a group so no one gets lost again which was a pretty simple task for all of use to follow, As you were heading to the storage department Eddie and Steve both collect two moving trolleys to get the big items through the checkout and to the cars without anyone breaking any bones in the process

You see your Tv unit which was probably the heaviest and big item you had got, and you tell Eddie and Steve to pick it up and put it onto the trolly, making your way around corners was a bit of struggle as the weight on the trolley got heavier but you managed to pay everything and get them out the door, Stopping the trolley just next to Steve's car and putting the break on

Steve - Watch my car
Y/N - Fuck your car, i need a fag cause that was a nightmare (as you pull a fag to your lips and offer anyone else one which they all accept)
Eddie - What's the plan now (he says taking a draw from the fag)
Y/N - Well i was thinking putting the Tv unit and the bits and boobs into Eddie's car and the rest can fit into Steve's
Robin - I'm guessing after this we are going to get the paint?
Y/N - Yeah me and Eddie can go there if you want to get us some lunch and i can text you the address we will all meet back at mine 

Everyone nods in agreement as the boys put everything in the cars while you and Robin make fun of them for the  facial expression they were pulling,

Everything got into the cars safely and with only a few slip ups, You and Eddie go to Homebase in his car as Steve and Robin go in Steve's car to collect a Burger King for lunch, You did send Robin the address for them to make it back, you were quiet during the car ride thinking of if you should tell Eddie about the kiss, part of you does as you hate hiding it away from him but the other part doesn't cause you are scared on how he will react and you don't want to ruin it

Eddie - Something on your mind, love? (he puts his hand on your thigh)
Y/N - Hm just thinking
Eddie - What about?
Y/N - I don't want to say cause i'm scared
Eddie - What are scared about?
Y/N - How you will react when i tell you (you say quietly as you start shaking)
Eddie - And how do you want me to react?
Y/N - I don't know just i don't want any drama i just want to move past it and still have you as my boyfriend
Eddie - Sweetheart, you are scaring me what's happened
Y/N - Steve kissed me (you blurt it out and close your eyes)
Eddie - He did what? (he slams on the breaks causing you to go forward with force) When did this happen? (his facial expression goes blank)
Y/N - The day i got into that fight with Scarlett, Please don't be mad, i'm sorry i'm sorry (you feel your eyes start to water)
Eddie - Why are you sorry? Steve is the one who should be sorry, he is dead
Y/N - No please don't start anything, i'm finally happy with the way things are please don't ( Eddie starts the car and moves it over to the side of the road to care for you)
Eddie - Okay i won't say anything but i am super pissed at him (he cuddles you as you cry)

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