Chapter 26

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You were just about to get it on with this Oliver guy, you were making out and touching each others body, you were just wanting to feel something that's why you are with him, just as you take your dress off, thats when someone started banging on the door, you start to yell at them to go away but they keep doing, until you give in putting your dress back on opening the door, you open it to reveal its Eddie, you roll your eyes at him and try the close the door but he burst through anyway

Y/N - Eddie get out
Eddie - no, I'm taking you home
Y/N - no your fucking not
Eddie - yes i am your clearly drunk and about to make the worst decision ever (he grabs on your hand and tries to take to get you out the room)
Y/N - no (you yank your hand back)
Eddie - Y/N come on
Oliver - look mate i dont think she wants to be go with you just leave her alone (he puts a hand on Eddie's shoulder and just by the look in Eddie's eyes you can tell a fight was about to go down)
Eddie - She doesn't want to have sex with you either
Y/N - oh my fucking god (you muble under your breath and throw your hands on head)
Eddie - Y/N move it
Y/N - no i want to stay here, and whats it to you if i stay, you just said that regretted ever meeting me
Eddie - Get the fuck outside now ill talk to you on the way home
Oliver - she doesn't want to leave (he says holding onto your arm)
Eddie - Yeah she does and i know she does cause I'm the person she wants not you
Oliver - Just leave, strange man cockblocking me (he points to door signal for Eddie to leave but of course he doesn't)
Y/N - ughh this is fucking pointless I'm not going with any of yous
Oliver - huh? (he turns to you and looks pissed)
Y/N - I'm going to find Robin or Steve and chill with them
Oliver - like hell you are

You try to leave but Oliver grips your wrist really tightly, you whine in pain and thats when shit goes down, Eddie tackles Oliver off you and starts punching him

Eddie - Don't ever lay your fingers on her again

He says between punchs and you stand there shocked but mostly confused on what Eddie really wants from you he says he regrets meeting you but will defend you?

Y/N - Get off him (you basically scream at Eddie causing him to stop and stare at you) what the fuck the is wrong woth you Eddie (you start to feel overwhelmed) what do you seriously want from me like be truthful cause you say you regret meeting me but will defend me, honestly make up your mind cause i cant deal with bullshit anymore, I'm tried, (you start to cry at how much pain you are in and eddie walks up to you and hugs you) get off me (you try to push him away but he doesn't budge) why did you put me through all the this (you start to punch his chest and he just stands there allowing you too) i hate you, i hate you I hate you (you repeat getting more angry until Eddie kisses you making you relax a bit)
Eddie - come on lets go home and talk okay?

he says holding your hand, you nod your head and walk out the room with him, on your way out you see Steve exiting a room with the girl you tried to get him with, he looks out of breath and his hair is all messy, you can't help but proud and feel a wee bit uncomfortable seeing your best friend after he had just had sex with someone, you head downstairs and notice Robin and Vicki kissing in a corner, you smile knowing your friends had a good time while your night went from good to drama and it was all because of one person

You look up at Eddie who phones for a taxi to his place, after he was done on the phone he hands you a joint but you decline, you wished you had brought a jacket cause you are freezing to death in a little dress, you start to shudder and Eddie notices

Eddie - here put this on you (he says taking off his jacket and putting it around you)
Y/N - thank you, can you pass me a lighter (you say shyly cause of your outburst back in the room)
Eddie - sure

He passes one and you light up a fag to calm yourself down and to maybe pass time waiting on the taxi, you lean against the wall thinking of the events of tonight and how it got so toxic so quick, all you wanted to do was party the overwhelming feeling hits again and you just drop the floor crying, Eddie notices and pulls you in for hug letting you cry everything out

Eddie - it's okay, it's okay, your okay (he tries to reassure you as he hugs you tighter)
Y/N - no its not (you sob even more)

Just as Eddie was going to say something, the taxi arrives, causes you Eddie to stand up and head towards the taxi, Eddie opens the door for you and you get in saying thank you to him, the whole drive back was quiet you just stared out the window thinking off everything, a couple of teardrops fall on your face and you wipe them away and Eddie notices, he outs his hand on your thigh quickly the coldness of the rings on his hand he removes it and hands you a bottle of water

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now