Chapter 52

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You had waken up the next day and rolled over to find that Eddie wasn't there, You call his name but there no response, Getting out of bed you head into the kitchen and look around before  looking in the fridge for some food, You walk over to the couch and watch some TV to past time, it was so peaceful being by yourself as you always loved  having your own space dont get me wrong you enjoy Eddie and Wayne's company but it's always nice to be by yourself once in a while

You had just finished your bowl of ceral until Eddie bradges in the door making you jump a bit

Y/N - Jesus christ (you say as you put your hand on your heart)
Eddie - Sorry but i want to take you somewhere, go get ready
Y/N - Okay?

You question before going to get ready, you decided to wear leggings with a black graphic hoodie and some platforms and you didnt really bother putting make up on as you couldn't be bothered, You throw you hair into a messy bun and walk out the bedroom grabbing a few bits and bobs before rushing out and getting into Eddie's van

Y/N - Where are we going?
Eddie - It's a surprise sweetie, I've been working on it all morning
Y/N - Can you at least tell me how long it will be there until we are there
Eddie - Yeah and say about 10 minutes give or take

You nod and look out the window watching everyone walk past the town and heading into shops, You start to wonder what Eddie had planned for you but no ideas came to mind as you never thought he would be a surprise type of man but turns out he is by the sounds of it

Eddie - Okay shut your eyes as we are coming close to the surprise
Y/N - Okay

You close your eyes and hear Eddie exiting the van and walk round to your side to open the door for you, He takes your hand and guides you to where the surprise was, You could hear Eddie saying thank you to someone but they didn't respond to him

Eddie - Okay wait there and keep your eyes shut
Y/N - Okayy but don't take long
Eddie - I won't, you can open them now

You open your eyes and see Eddie had made a picnic on the beach where you had convinced your son, It was romantic with few rose pettles on a blanket looking at the sea and Eddie was holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers

Eddie - So what do you think?
Y/N - I love it, your the best (you say running to him and hugging him)
Eddie - Anything for you baby girl, I also got you these since i know they are your favourite (he hands you the flowers)
Y/N - they smell amazing (you say as you take a sniff of them)

Eddie takes your hand and walks you over to the blanket over looking the sea you had the biggest smile anyone had seen before as what he done was so thoughtful and no one had done it before, Yous both sit down and you look over seeing what food you had, which was some snadwhichs, chocolate covered strawberries and a red velvet cake,

Eddie - hold on before we eat ive got something else
Y/N - Really?
Eddie - Yeah, stand up and close your eyes
Y/N - ohhh okay (you do as he says)
Eddie - Okay you can open them now

You look down and see Eddie holding a rose gold heart ring in a black ring box

Eddie - I love you Y/N, I really do and this my promise that I will keep loving you until my last dying breath, I promise to care for you and keep you protected even when you hate me, cause you are my one and only I couldnt of asked for anyone better than you
Y/N - Oh my god that was so cute (you start to cry at his speech as he laughs and pulls you in for a hug) I love you to Eddie its always going to be me and you against the world
Eddie - I know sweetheart

You put your hand out for him to put the promise ring on and He kisses your hand like a king does with his queen and yous both sit on the blanket taking about random things and eating some food

Y/N - No sweetie you arent supposed to move your head (you say as you try and get aim to throw a grape in his mouth)
Eddie - Then what else I'm supposed to do? (he says laughing and you chuckle as you throw the grape)
Y/N - Ha! I knew you would miss it
Eddie - Okay my turn then (he picks up a grape and throws it) No thats bullshit (he referres to you catching the grape and him missing)
Y/N - Just admit it I'm better than you
Eddie - Never, I'm the best at everything, The grape was rigged
Y/N - how can a grape be rigged? (you laugh as Eddie goes in a mood) Ohhh someone is down

You and Eddie shares laughs the whole morning at the picnic, you adored the ring he had got you and loved the fact he went out of his way to do this for you, Its crazy to think of all the stuff you and Eddie had went through in just a year knowing each other

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now