Chapter 53

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----- Your mum's reception------

Andrew and your mum had got married, which bugged you a bit you were now Jason's step sister which annoyed you alot, You tried your best to be happy for them but you couldn't, You and Eddie were currently getting ready for the reception at yours

Y/N - Ughhh my eyeliner (you say throwing the eyeliner on the make up desk)
Eddie - Hey come here (he walks over infront of you and picks up the eyeliner) Close your eyes (you close them and Eddie tries his best to do a winged eyeliner)
Y/N - Wow when did you learn how to do make up
Eddie - Just a natural talent i guess (he laughs and goes to finish getting changed) so you nervous?
Y/N - Yeah but alcohol will be there (you say applying lipstick)

You and Eddie were finished getting ready and you were amazed at how good Eddie looked in a tax, He was wearing a matching tie to the same colour as your dress which you found so cute, Your mum shouts up saying that the limo was here to take yous to the reception

Louise - Anyone want some champagne? (she asks holding a big bottle)
Y/N - Yes please (you say snatching the bottle and downing the whole thing)
Eddie - Sweetheart you might want to take esay
Y/N - I'm fine, I'm fine

You reasure him as you drop the bottle on the floor and look over at Jason and his plus one Chrissy, Chrissy was such as sweet girl but you didn't know why she would go for someone like Jason, Arriving at the reception everyone was standing outside making you nervous for some reason you start to bounce your leg and Eddie puts his hand on your knee

Your mum and Andrew were the frist one out of the limo due it being their day followed by Jason and Chrissy and then you and Eddie, Everyone was congrating the newly married couple as you just walk in trying to find the strongest drink there, Everyone started walking in as you took a sip of your cola and vodka to be honest you can just say that the drink was pure vodka due to how little cola you had in it

Eddie - Hey are you okay?
Y/N - Yeah I'm fine, I'm very happy (you say trying to convince yourself)
Eddie - No you arent sweetheart, Come on lets go and talk (he takes your hand and walks outside with you) Open up to me baby girl what is causing you to be acting on edge
Y/N - Ughhh just why did they have get married, I don't like being in this family and you do know that I'm now officially Jason's step sister
Eddie - I know sweetheart but that will never change how I feel about you
Y/N - I'm not talking about that it changes the way i see myself
Eddie - What do you mean?
Y/N - Just i hate him and i have to keep my cool so much that it is starting to change me (you down your vodka)
Eddie - Maybe take it esay on the drink (you shot him a death stare) or don't I mean
Y/N - No its for my plan (you walk back inside)
Eddie - What plan? (Eddie mumbles to himself before heading back in)

You walk in and was greeted by one Andrew's aunties, She comes up to you as you are taking a shot tequila

?? - You must Y/N, Andrew's step daughter
Y/N - Don't you know it (you take another shot and turn around to face her)
?? - I'm Ashley, It's very nice to meet you (he holds her hand out for a handshake)
Y/N - it's nice to meet you too
Ashley - So how are you feeling about the married couple
Y/N - Good good i guess (you try to play it fake)
Ashley - I'm guessing the boy who is with you is your boyfriend
Y/N - Yeah that's Eddie ill get him to say hello to you the next time i see him
Ashley - Aww no dont worry about that just you and him try and have fun at the end of the day you arent teenagers for long
Y/N - Yeah thats definitely right but at least I'm not married for money ( you say taking Ashley as a surprise and she just nods her head) I'll see you around okay
Ashley - Yeah thats fine, Have a nice night

You smile and go off to find Eddie, It's wasnt hard to find him if I'm being honest you had to look for a table that had drink on it and bomb there he was

Eddie - Hey, where did you go off too
Y/N - Aww one of Andrew's anuties were saying hi to me and i might of let it slip that mum is only in this marriage for the money
Eddie - Aww god (yous both lean against the gable and Andrew walks over to you)
Andrew - Do you care to have we have a father and daughter dance
Y/N - Um sure, Just one second (you say snatching Eddie's drink and downing it)
Eddie - After your dance you are making me a new one (he tells you as you were dragged onto the dance floor)

The music started to change to slow music and everyone left a circle for you and Andrew, You hated that you had to do this but what can you do about it know, You and Andrew started to slow dance as you look over at your mum who is glemming with a smile with Jason standing next to her, Jason looked just as annoyed you were but you brushed off

Andrew - You okay? (he pulls you out of your thoughts)
Y/N - Yeah I'm okay
Andrew - Are you sure? Cause this is frist time I've seen you not downing a glass of alcohol
Y/N - Yeah and it's not going to be the last one tonight
Andrew - Look i know you are mad at your mum and stuff but ill be on your side
Y/N - No it's not that
Andrew - Then what is it?

Just as you were about to tell him the truth about your history with his son and how you are not happy that you are his step sister the song ends and everyone claps, You were about to walk away when Jason grabs your arm

Jason - What did you tell him?
Y/N - Nothing, why?
Jason - I swear to god Y/N if you tell my dad about the stuff that ive done to you and your freak off a boyfriend, I'll
Eddie - You'll do what? (Eddie steps in) come on dont act shy now that I'm here, if you have something to say to her you can say to me unless you are scared of me of course

Jason goes silent and walks away which makes you laugh at how Eddie scares him, Jason can talk shit to you when you are on your own but the minute your boyfriend comes into play he shys off like a little scared cat

Eddie - What a fucking pussy
Y/N - Yeah he really is (yous both laugh)
Eddie - Do you want go out and have a smoke
Y/N - Sure let me get a drink frist
Eddie - Remember you have still got to make that drink you stole from either
Y/N - Okay ill make you one and meet you out there
Eddie - No worries

Eddie heads outside and you go over to the table to make a drink, You thought that whisky on the rocks would help calm your nerves, Just as you were about the pour the whisky Jason grabs onto your arm causing you to spill some

Jason - You tell anyone about our drama and you are dead, do you understand Y/L/N?
Y/N - No i dont and let go off me you absolute psycho
Jason - Y/N I'm not kidding, if you do spill the beans not even Eddie would be able to protect you (he tightens the grip on your arm)
Y/N - Get the fuck off me

You yank your arm off you him and he walks off to go back to Chrissy who standing inccently not knowing what the fuck is going on, Deep down you really do pray for her being with that asshole off the year

You walk out and meet Eddie and he hands you a fag and you light it feeling it destress you as you exhale while sighing and Eddie looks at you concerned

Eddie - You okay baby girl?
Y/N - Yeah I'm okay (you say fixing your hair)
Eddie - What's that on your wrist? (he holds onto it looking at the bursie that is currently forming due to Jason)
Y/N - It's nothing, Dont worry about it
Eddie - Who did that? Was it Jason? Did he do that? (his voice starts to get older by each question)
Y/N - it's fine dont worry about it
Eddie - He is dead

He starts to get angry by the second and puts his drink on the table outside and storm inside causing the door to slam open, You follow him trying your hardest not feel excited that Eddie will finally kill him, Eddie walks up to Jason with his hand making a fist, Jason was talking to someone and his back was turned meaning he wouldn't know what would hit him

Eddie - JASON!!

He yells and Jason turns around not getting a minute to say anything before Eddie punch him causing him to fall back, Everyone looks over what is happening whilst you try your hardest to stop Eddie, Seemly nothing was working and you wanted to break up the fight before your boyfriend actually killed him

You saw the microphone on the stage and walked over to it clinking your glass as if you were going to make a toast which makes Eddie and Jason look over as they don't know what you were going to say

You smile at everyone who turned around to see you the stage and think to yourself "haha asshole my plan is going to work"

You Give Love A Bad Name - Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now