Chapter 41

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---- Steve's POV-----

I left Y/N's house after she had slapped which i don't why i thought her not being with Eddie would have given me a chance with her but i guess not, as i climb down the tree from her bedroom balcony i'm greeted by Robin and Eddie and they do not look happy with me, Did they see what happened? i think to myself

Robin - You lied didn't you? (she crosses her arms and shares a look with Eddie)
Steve - Lied about what? (i try to move away from them but they stop me)
Eddie - Cut the bullshit Harrinton, we just saw you try to make the moves on Y/N
Steve - Yeah i don't know what you saw but you that's not true
Robin - What a lying scumbag, You caused to  fall out with Y/N for nothing
Steve - No i was just showing you who she is
Eddie - Enough, what are you even doing here anyway?
Robin - Trying to get Y/N now she is single
Eddie - Well, is that true? (they look me up and down)
Steve - No, i was here cause Y/N was sick at school that's all (they look at me shocked)
Robin - I knew something was wrong with her, Im going to talk to her

She walks away and starts the climb the tree, Leaving me with Eddie which makes me nervous as he is really pissed at me

Eddie - So you have feelings for Y/N?
Steve - What does it matter to you, you aren't with her anymore
Eddie - Yeah due to your lying
Steve - Fuck off, she doesn't want to be with you that's it not because of me and why she want to be with you anyway with the way you have treated
Eddie - Hey! I did my best with her, which is more than i can say about you, she rejected you and you still tried your shot with her (he starts to get angry with me)
Steve - Please i'll get with her soon, besides isn't that what hoes do?

And with that comment he punchs me and grabs me in by the collar of my shirt

Eddie - Don't ever call her that again, do you hear me?

-----Y/N's POV-----

I was just in my closlet changing my clothless when i hear someone crawling through my window if this is Steve i'm going to do alot more than slap him, I walk into my room seeing Robin laying on the floor with her leg suck in the window i eye roll and walk over to her to help

Y/N - What are you doing here? i thought you were mad at me? (i say as i hold onto her ankle and get her foot free from the window)
Robin - Thank you and no i'm not mad at you anymore, i saw you slapping Steve (i turn to look at her) And so did Eddie (great the father of my baby how wonderful)
Y/N - So why are you here?
Robin - Look you might not want to tell me and that's fine but Steve told me you were sick at school and i noticed you weren't yourself in maths either so i thought i  should come and check on you and make sure everything is fine ( she smiles at me)
Y/N - Look i apperiacte you wanting to know what's wrong but nothing is
Robin - Come on Y/N i can tell you are scared about something ( i say and we hear a gruntinng noises coming from the tree) What the fuck is that?

We both walk over and see Eddie struggling to climb the tree from the balcony, he looks up at us

Eddie - Is somebody anting to open the door for me please (he yells up at us)
Y/N - No i don't want to see you right now
Eddie - Come on Y/N, I'm sorry for what happened
Y/N - You bascially said that i didn't love you
Eddie - That was before i saw Steve trying to kiss you
Y/N - Just go away both of you, I'm dealing with a lot and you two are the least of my worries (i look at Eddie then at Robin)
Robin - Well tell us cause we might know how to fix it
Y/N - Trust me no one is able to help apart from myself okay, Now if you would please go and leave me alone it would be very mush appiacted

------Robin's POV----

Aftter Y/N had yelled at us both i decided to leave, To be honest i'm not mad her for not telling what's wrong but i do want to help i might of not acted like a best friend these couples of days and Eddie might not acted like a good boyfriend but we do love and care for Y/N and will stop at nothing until we know she is okay, as i climb down the tree and i met with Eddie i notice his kuckles are all red and he is out breath

Robin - What have you been up to? (i ask him with squint eyes)
Eddie - Nothing Steve was shit talking Y/N and i made sure he wouldnt do it again
Robin - Oh god i don't want to hear the rest, Come on let's go and give her sometime to relax
Eddie - No (he says crossing his arms and being stubborn)
Robin - Look i know you love her but if you are push her to tell you what's wrong she won't want to be around you more, So just give her a couple of days and we will try again
Eddie - But i'm worried about her
Robin - I know you are i am too but we need give her what she wants right now and crowding her isn't it

He sighs and we walk back to his car, I can tell Eddie loves Y/N very much but he does need to learn to start treating her better and actually showing her he loves her instead of only showing it when they aren't together which is just going to confuse Y/N more

As Eddie takes me back to my house i tell him everything Y/N told me to try and esae his mind a bit but he starts worrying more about her

------ Y/N's POV-----

I really do want to tell Robin about my pregancy but i can't she won't belive me after Steve's stunt back at the weekend and even if she did bealive me she wouldn't be able to help she will just tell me to tell Eddie and i do not want him finding out abouut this, I know how he will react he will be happy at frist but then realise everything he will need to give up and i don't want that for him he deserves to have a life instead of staying with me looking after a baby......It's the best this way

I go for a nice relaxing bath before my frist scan tomorrow with max which i'm really excited for to see my little one and see how they are getting along and if they are being well looked after

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