3. Introduction

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March '2018

"Yeah, and you are never dumping her." Daman had said sipping on her frappucino.

"Daman, I told you that I got attached. I can't just end things." Ekansh said as his best friend spoke.

"We warned him and he still got attached." said Varun and she nodded in agreement.

"Exactly..." She says as Ekansh recoils.
"You never told me she's a cheater... you told me she's into Casual sèx and has a high body count... THAT DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING." He says and she just rolled her eyes at his super senior.

"I'm out of here. Varun Sir wanted me to get a proof that Tara's cheating on you,  I did that. You suspected one, but she's with two other guys and I can't really understand why you haven't confronted her yet." She said picking up her wallet and gets up.

"Wait, I'll drop you." He says picking up the car keys to his i20.

"Sir, I was out for a walk, I'll just walk back." She says and he points to her wristwatch.

"Your hostel gate closes in 10 minutes." He says as she hisses.

"Oh shoot. Okay, please drop me..." She says as he points to his car.

"I'll see you at the hostel, Varun." He said as Varun got up and went for his bike, nodding in their direction.

Varun had been dating Daman's best friend Anika for a while and that's how Daman and Varun became good friends. Varun and Ekansh were in the second and final year of masters, whereas Daman was in the final year/internship of bachelor's and Varun's girlfriend Anika was a year senior to Daman and had graduated a month ago. Daman and Anika had been roommates for the tenure of her Bachelors and were like sisters.

When Varun found out Ekansh had been dating Tara, who was infamous for her loyalty, or it's absence thereof, he talked to Daman. That was about a week ago.

Daman had been a sapiosexual all her life and she had seen Ekansh perform solo surgeries single handedly and she might have had a teeny-tiny crush on him.

"I fear, she might be cheating on him." Varun had told her on call a week ago.

"Ofcourse, Tara was out last night with Amir..." Daman says and bit her tongue.

This was not any of her business, she had no right questioning another girl's character, just because she had a crush on the guy involved.

"But she told Ekansh, she went to her Grandma's and to not call her." Varun said and Daman decided to not speak any further. She knew Tara was not loyal, but she couldn't break the girl-code and spill it out. Not more than she already had.

"Hey Daman, Ekansh won't believe me, can you get me a proof that she's cheating on him. He's falling for her more and more day-by-day. I don't want to watch him get hurt."

"Sure sir, I'll see what I can do." She had said and disconnected.

She had been cheated on before and she knew how much it hurt. She decided to not go out of her way to find anything, but if she knew, She'll tell him.

And if Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, Girls hostel is the powerhouse of all university gossip.

She got to know about the other two guys Tara was involved with, and knew both of them well through different mutual friends.

When asked what Tara meant to them, they both replied that she was their girlfriend and even sent pictures together as proof.

After a day or two of keeping the information to herself, she saw a very romantic poetry that Ekansh had written on his timeline, and she decided to text Varun.

[Sir, I have proof.]

That's how they first met, outside the professional environment of clinics.

She sat in his car looking at him, trying to comprehend what he was feeling.

"It hurts?" She said and he chuckled sarcastically.

"You have no idea." He said and gestured for her to put on her seatbelt.

"Every person that knew i was dating her, warned me. Every single one. I am new here, I didn't do my bachelors from here. My friends who did, they told me she'd do this, and I was like... No I'm special... But... Now, I'm just a fool that got cheated on." He says and she nodded.

"I have an idea, how that feels." She says barely a whisper and he gives her a sidelook while driving.

"He was an idiot." He said not lying.

He didn't know her well, but had obviously noticed her working in the clinics. She was dedicated, organized, intelligent and a very quick learner.
And she was beautiful...

Not the ones that you see in magazines kind of beautiful, but the kind hidden in a poet's words.

Her big beautiful eyes, and the way they widened everytime she was amazed at something she had asked and he answered while working on a patient or assisting in a surgery. Her curiousity to know things and her well thought of questions as she set her spectacles up the bridge of her nose.

And ofcourse her love for traditionals, that's what had set her apart in his eyes. He had barely seen her in jeans. It was either Salwar suits or scrubs during surgery and nomatter what he was an Indian guy and traditional was a weakness. In a world of jeans, and shorts you could easily spot her in a suit and dupatta.

"Daman won't say Yes, to go out with you. She never does. So many have tried and failed." Varun had told him around his second month here. That seemed like a thing of past now.

"So, she doesn't date?" He had asked. "She was dating someone not from our university in first year, and then broke up in second year and since then every guy has had his pride wounded by her, but Daman's really nice as a person, a great friend." He had said what was now 10 months ago and 4 months after that, he went for someone that he thought will be easy. She was easy, and then easily slipped out of his fingers too.

"Are you okay?" She asked, realizing that he had drifted off into his thoughts, while driving.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he said and parked infront of the main gate of her hostel.

"Thank you Sir and take care. Just remember, if a person cheats, don't blame yourself. There's nothing you did wrong. It helps in the healing." She says as he nods as she closes the car door and looks at her walking into the hostel.

If only he had gone for her.
If only he had not fallen for a girl, who didn't care to return his calls after dating for around 6 months, let alone meet him.
But he was mad for Tara and had no idea, where he went wrong.

"Don't blame yourself." Daman's words rang in his ears as he felt a pounding headache and a sleepless night approach ahead.

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