9. Connections

699 66 63

January '2023

"Mummmmm, we awe late." The two and half year old Tejas shouted as Daman was finding the final list of the students on her laptop that were going today to the dog kennel.

"I know, Tej but I need a print out and my office printer is giving me trouble." She said as her phone vibrated. She looked to see it was the dean office calling.

"Hey pooja, I'm sorry, I'll be there in ten minutes." She said expecting it to be Dean's PA.

"Yeah, just drive safely." She heard the familiar masculine voice from the other side.

"Ekansh?" She said still looking through the folders unable to remember what name she saved that document under.

"Yes dr. Daman, I made a request yesterday, if you could..." He spoke unable to say considering he was on the landline phone among five employees of the dean office.

"I have to unblock you, I remember. I just can't find the final list of the names and..." She said as he chuckled.
"I got it from Dr. Saurav, just reach here." He said as she sighed in relief.

"Thank you, I'll be there." She said and hanged up, picking up Tejas' bag and her own leaving the laptop since she won't be needing it today.

She drove to his playway and a teacher informed her that his daycare was closed, so if they take him she will have to pick him up at 12:30.

"I can't. I'm going away and won't be back until 7pm."

"I'm sorry mam, then we can't take him." She had said.

"Why is your daycare closed? Why was I not informed?" she said and buckled him in the car as he shrugged, then driving to his daycare.

"OUTBREAK OF LICE, REPORTED FROM 6 KIDS. CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK UNDER LOCAL HEALTH GUIDELINES." She read the note outside the school and looked down at her son who stood their with a puffy face, crossing his arms.

"Eww.... Yukk, remind me to check your hair Tej. Please tell me you aren't itchy in your scalp?"

"Noooo... But I sure mam email us?" He said crossing his arms over his chest, unwilling to get back in the car.

She opened her phone and there was the mail on the top. The notification she had slid aside thinking it as a promotion mail from a makeup brand.

"Yes, I forgot to read the mail from your school, because they send greetings for all public holidays and birthdays. Now, don't be your dad and I'll call aunt Ayra." She said as he looked her in the eyes with stubborness similar to a certain someone she missed.

"Pretty please." She said and he sighed walking towards the backdoor as she buckled him in but today lady luck was not on her side

"Aunt Ayra gone to mountains." He said making her realize that Daman's best friend and vet school classmate was out of town.

She cussed herself, being a punjabi for being so distracted lately.

Thanks to Ekansh for haunting her mind and hampering her brain function.

She sighed as her phone rang in her purse and looked to see, it was the dean office calling again.

"What do you want, Ekansh?" She said seething with rage as Pooja spoke on the other end.

"Dr. Daman, I need to report your delay to the dean office if you don't reach soon." She said sounding professional, even though she was her office bestfriend and Daman sighed.

"Pooja, I can't find a place to leave my son. The daycare is closed and he'll have nowhere to go after playway prep school."

"Bring him along. He'll travel, see dogs. It'll be fun." She said and Daman was thinking about her suggestion.

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