8. Morning after

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The next morning, Ekansh's alarm went off as Daman kicked him in the knee. It was the fourth kick when Ekansh finally stirred.

"Ummm... Good morning." Ekansh groaned reaching for his phone.

"Shut the damn thing off." She said and as soon as he did, she realized where she was. She sat up and looked at the time.

"You need to drop me at the hostel, so I can change and be on time." She said sleepily, nuzzling into him and heard a low snore. She looked up to see that he had drifted off to sleep. Again.

"Ekansh..." She called out and he didn't answer. A grin lit up her face, as she crawled inside the blanket and slid his boxer down, taking the morning wood and planting small kisses on the tip.

"Ohhh..." He groaned as she sucked a little.

"Good morning sir." She said batting her eyelashes as he lifted the blanket to look in her eyes.

"Ohh... Fuck... Yes baby... Just like that... Ah... Morning..." He said as she worked on him, which was followed by sex in the shower.

They left for the campus as he dropped her and went to the hospital preparing for the day ahead with three hours of sleep. She entered the hostel wearing his shirt with her cardigan and her jeans as Samayra was going to the mess for breakfast.

"The walk of shame." She said as Daman just shook her head, with a satisfied smile, too tired to reply.

She changed, had breakfast and reached the surgery department.
"Where's Rasika?" The teacher asked as everyone looked around.

"She's late again?" Dr. Fatima said entering the OPD and looked around for a substitute until her eyes landed at Daman.

"Daman, you are in OT again." She said as Daman nodded and followed her upstairs.

Ekansh had already prepared and was ready to take the dog inside.

"Ekansh, let Daman scrub with you." She said as Daman was kind of overjoyed at getting a chance to scrub in a surgery that Dr. Fatima was performing.

She nodded and helped Ekansh set the dog on the table and then went to the scrub room with him.

"First time?" He asked referring to her nervous demeanor.

"Yes sir." She said as a low growl was emitted from his throat.

"You can't be serious." She whispered to herself as he continued scrubbing until she was done.

"Just breathe and relax. You'll be fine." He said winking at her as she shook her head at his sarcasm and walked into the OT, with her hands held above the level of her waist.

The next few hours were fueled by adrenaline and quick responses as the two dogs were extremely critical. It was followed by a routine procedure as they left the OT tired and she was ready to go to bed.

"You have a class?" he asked and she shook her head.

"No, just going to the hostel, I'll have lunch and rest."

"I know a better place." Ekansh said.

"For lunch?" She asked

"For rest." He said as she broke into laughter.

"We'll ONLY sleep." He said as she thought about it and agreed.

"Okay. But first let me get lunch packed from the hostel. I can't keep having junk food everyday." She said as he shrugged.

"As you wish." He stated and an hour and half later, they layed in the bed naked and exhausted.

"I hate you." She said trying to blink again and again so that she won't see the stars on the cieling.

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