Cafe (Carmelo x Rudy) a follow up to Blood

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Carmelo asked Emilo.

"Trust me. You'll be fine." Emilio reassured him.

"I don't know about this though... it's a little gay." Carmelo said.

"Yes Carmelo, going on a date with a guy is gay." Emilio said sarcastically.

Carmelo was going on a date with Rudy, after liking him for a long time, he finally got the courage enough to ask him out.

Carmelo was taking Rudy to a small cafe on the edge of town.

Just a week before, Carmelo had run into Rudy in the school bathroom (callback to an earlier episode, this one is continuing the story) and Carmelo discovered that he truly did like him, but it took a few days till he was able to ask Rudy out.

Emilio was over at Carmelo's house, making sure that Carmelo wouldn't fuck it up, telling him what not say, what to say, and making sure Rudy wouldn't leave in tears.

Then Emilio left to go back to his house, and Carmelo left to go pick up Rudy. (Idk if Carmelo has a car or a drivers license, but whatever).

Carmelo then arrived at Rudy's house, and knocked on the door.

Rudy opened the door. He was in a long sleeve (obviously) pastel blue baggy shirt and a white skirt.

Carmelo blushed, and lost all his confidence.

"Hi. Umm, uh, do you wanna go now?" Carmelo asked nervous, half hoping he'd say yes, half hoping Rudy would turn him down.

"Yeah." Rudy smiled at Carmelo, and stepped out of the door way shutting the door behind him.

Carmelo and Rudy got in Carmelo's car, and Carmelo started driving to the cafe.

"So... um..." Carmelo started, trying to fill the silence. "How are you?"

"I'm good, I guess." Rudy answered.

"Thats good." Carmelo said.

It went silent.

"Sorry, I'm not good at this, you probably think I'm really awkward." Carmelo confessed.

"You are kind of awkward." Rudy told him, then paused. "I think it's cute."

Carmelo had never thought that in a million years, cute would be a word to describe him.


They arrived at the cafe, and Rudy and Carmelo got out of the car, and Carmelo and Rudy went inside.

The cafe was terribly small, but it felt cozy rather than claustrophobic. It was decorated with tons of plants, and smelled of vanilla.

There was a place where you could order, and Carmelo and Rudy went there and ordered their food.

Carmelo ordered a black coffee and a blueberry scone, and Rudy ordered a carmel iced coffe and a muffin.

They got their food, and then sat down at a table.

"So... anything cool happening in your life?" Carmelo asked, making small talk.

"Nothing really." Rudy said, and then paused to think. "Adam is grounded."

"What for?" Carmelo asked.

"He punched a girl in the face."


"Anything interesting going on with you?" Rudy asked Carmelo.


"Nothing at all?" Rudy asked.

"I baked some cookies for my mom's friend, and she liked them, and offered to pay me to make cupcakes and cookies for her daughters birthday party." Carmelo said.

"Do you like baking?" Rudy asked, seeming interested.

"I guess." Carmelo responded, his mind flashing back to the time he told his mom that he hated baking, because it was 'gay'.

"I like baking too!" Rudy told him. "What do you like to bake?"

"I like making desserts, I guess. Cupcakes, cookies, cakes, that sort of thing."

"Me too! Maybe we can bake together sometime." Rudy suggested.

"Like maybe next Friday? I'm free then." Carmelo told him.


They then talked for longer. (But I suck at coming up with ideas, so... time skip I guess.)

They then left the cafe, and Carmelo and Rudy got back in Carmelo's car, and Carmelo dropped Rudy off at his house.

Carmelo stepped out of the car, hugged and kissed Rudy goodbye, and then Rudy went inside, and Carmelo went back to his house, surprised that he was in fact, in love.

A/N- sorry I was late by a day, my phone got taken away.

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