Being not ok

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I have returned from my break. And now... I've got some new stories for you...

This is the third and final part to the AU thing where Rudy stands up to Carmelo.

Also... my gifted teacher may know about this, so um...
Monday,  at school.

Rudy got to school early. His parents had dropped him off. They were now super protective of him after they learned what he'd been doing, and he'd had trouble convincing him to still go to school that Monday.

Rudy put his stuff in his locker, and found Carmelo's locker.

Carmelo was just shutting his locker door as Rudy came up from behind him.

Carmelo turned around to see Rudy. A nervous look crossed Carmelo's face, knowing that Rudy would surely hate him more that he already did.

Rudy pushed Carmelo against his locker. The blueberry boy was surprised at Rudy's strength.

Kids started watching, but Rudy didn't stop.

"You bitch." Rudy said to the other boy. Rudy leaned closer until they were almost nose to nose.

"Are they gonna kiss?" Some kid whispered under their breath. (And I bet that's what you, the reader, are thinking too. If you find yourself thinking this, here's some instructions on how to stop. 1- remove your head from the gutter 2- go touch some grass 3- resume reading my fanfic, I would like more reads, thank you.)

"You think your helping me?" Rudy whispered.

Carmelo nodded, not knowing the right thing to say.

Rudy didn't reply, instead, he just kicked Carmelo in the stomach, and walked off to class, leaving the other boy sitting on the floor.

Kids moved closer to Carmelo, confused at the events that had just taken place.

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" Dino asked.

"No, I'm fine." Carmelo replied, a sharp pain in the back of his throat, the kind you get from trying to cry.

Carmelo decided to skip class, something he'd done before, but this time was different.

This time, he was crying in the bathroom stall.

Around the end of 2nd period, Rudy and Carmelo were called to the office.

Carmelo made his way down to the office, tear stains fresh on his face, and saw Rudy was already sitting on a chair across from the principal.

Carmelo sat down in a chair next to Rudy.

"So. Would either of you boys like to tell me what happened?" The principal asked.

"I will." Carmelo said.

Rudy looked at him, a nervous look crossing his face.

"I punched him first, so he kicked me. It was in self defense." Carmelo lied.

"Rudolph, is this true?" The principal asked.

Rudy opened his mouth to say something, but instead just nodded.

"Carmelo DeMonte, not only are you getting a call to your parents, but your also getting a 3 day suspension." The principal said, "Rudolph, you are dismissed."

Rudy went to his 3rd period class, while Carmelo stayed in the office.

Mrs. DeMonte came to pick Carmelo up.

When they got in Mrs. DeMonte's car, she was furious.

Carmelo wasn't paying attention to her. He was too busy thinking about Rudy.

"When the school day ends you will go over to his house and apologize to him." Mrs. DeMonte told her son.

"Ok, mom." He mumbled.

"And no phone for a week." She added.

"Dammit." He said under his breath.

"What did you say?" Mrs. DeMonte asked.

"It wasn't my fault! He kicked me! I didn't do anything!" Carmelo shouted.

"The principal told me you punched him and he kicked you in self defense."

"I know. I told the principal that because I didn't want to get him in trouble!"

"Sure." Mrs. DeMonte said, not taking him seriously at all.

The rest of the car ride home was silent.

After school ended, Mrs. DeMonte was getting ready to take Carmelo to Rudy's house when suddenly they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

Carmelo opened it.

It was Rudy.

"I'm sorry, I'm such an asshole, I'm so sorry..." Rudy said, bursting into tears.

Carmelo felt awkward. He didn't know what to do, so he just hugged Rudy. To Carmelo's surprise, Rudy hugged back.

"Carmelo?" Mrs. DeMonte called.

"What?" Carmelo yelled back, breaking away from the hug.

"Who's that?" She asked.

"The boy I supposedly punched."

"He didn't punch me, I kicked him first... I didn't mean to..." Rudy told Mrs. DeMonte.

"So everything's ok between him and you?" Mrs. DeMonte asked.

Carmelo looked at Rudy who nodded, "yes." Carmelo answered.

A/N- well, wasn't that nice.

Let me know if you want to see more of this.

Also... I'm doing a Q and A.

Ask me questions.

I'll answer them in a couple of episodes.

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