Interesting Character

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THANK YOU Freesh Hugs for your amazing quote!!!


"It seems we've met again." Emilio said, licking his lips.

Tobias frowned slightly, reaching his hand into his pocket. He felt around, grabbing Luther's pocket knife, so he would be safe if something happened.

Emilio let out a slight chuckle as the knife in Tobias's hand caught his eyes.

"Dear Tobias," Emilio started, smiling in amusement. "Don't you remember what happened the last time you played with knives?"

Tobias looked up, his ghostly blue eyes catching Emilio's purple ones, which were nearly glowing with delight and anticipation. His heavily dilated pupils were evidence of excitement caused by the body in front of him.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?" Tobias asked, his voice low and cold and shaky.

"I enjoy anthropology, and you are quite the interesting character." Emilio responded, his mouth twisted into a sly smile with a hint of arrogance.

"Is that so?" Tobias responded, edging on the older boy, as if he wanted last time's incident to repeat.

Emilio took a step closer to Tobias, the dry leaves of autumn crunching under his feet.

"Tobias, perhaps one day you can read my diary... the many pages I have written about you... I surely know everything about you," He monologued, his smile growing manic as he intensely started at the younger boy, "And if there's something I don't know, I will find it out about you."

Emilio put a gloved finger on Tobias's neck, gently moving his slender finger across his pale skin. Emilio pressed a kiss onto the spot his finger had been only seconds before, sending a shiver down Tobias's spine.

Despite the uncomfortable nature of Emilio's actions, the blue eyed boy could not stop himself from feeling a very peculiar emotion he had no other name for than sin.

Tobias raised a shaky hand, pushing Emilio off him, which was meant to be a slight nudge, but because of Tobias's underestimated strength and Emilio's frailness, Emilio got knocked onto the ground, his gloved hands hitting hard against the cold dirt of the forest.

Emilio didn't say anything, and instead smiled wider, an expression painting his face not unlike the one's Tobias had seen so often from his father, Lucas. An expression that usually came before Lucas punished him.

"Trying to get away from me now, are we Tobias? You're growing so independent." Emilio's tone made Tobias uncomfortable, it reminded him of how someone would speak to a baby.

He felt belittled, degraded, humiliated, and afraid.

There was also an unfamiliar yet pleasurable feeling that made him want to continue this, if only so Emilio would continue treating him in this manner.

Emilio stood up, and approached Tobias once again.

The purple eyed boy smiled deviously. "So... disrespectful."

Tobias's face burned, and he bit his tongue, but he knew what response Emilio wanted, the one that permitted Emilio to wreak havoc on him, the one he would ultimately give.

Tobias sighed, his cheeks red and hot. "I should be punished."

Emilio smiled, and motioned for Tobias to give him the knife.

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