Therapy pt. 3

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The next week at therapy, Tobias saw Emilio again as Emilio walked in.

He steadied his breathing, and approached him.

"Hello." Tobias said.

Emilio replied, "Hi".

"Um, is your name Emilio?"

Emilio eyes widened behind his bangs. "Yes, that is my name. And yours?"

"I'm Tobias. We went to the same high school." Tobias said.

"Ah, Tobias. I knew I recognized you."

He took a post-it note from somewhere in his bag, and a pen from his bun (I love Emilio with a bun. Shhh.) and scribbled something before handing it to Tobias. And before Tobias even had time to read it, Emilio walked out of the lobby.

Then Blue came for Tobias and, Tobias tucked the note into his pocket.

When Tobias got home, the apartment was empty, as it always was on a Saturday, because Rudolph, his roommate, worked on Saturdays and Tobias did not.

Tobias pulled the note from his pocket, and called the number around lunch.

Emilio answered quickly.

Emilio said, "hello? Who is this?"

"Tobias. You gave me your number today.", Tobias responds.

"Yes... um... I don't have much time to talk right now since I'm working... how about we meet somewhere? I always like talking in person anyway." Emilio said.

"How about tonight? There's a bar between the place I go to therapy at and the big store."Tobias offered.

"Do you drink a lot Tobias?" Emilio asked.

"Umm..." Tobias paused, "I drink water. And alcohol. But not the much."

"Not that much alcohol or not that much water?" Emilio asked, laughing.

"I drink a lot of tea." Tobias responded, avoiding the answer.

"We can meet there." Emilio said.

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