Battery acid

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Thanks Tave for giving me this prompt.

"Alright, dude, what do we need to make this shit?" Carmelo asked his friends as he stood in the middle of the gas station.

Emilio did a quick search. "Tiktok says Monster, and recommends the blue flavor, gatorade, also blue, tons of candies, not chocolates, but gummies and shit. And... sherbert?"

The 4 boys, Carmelo, Emilio, Francis, and Dino grab the stuff they need to make a bunch of cups of it, and purchase.

When they get home, they make it.

"Alright... Dino, you take the first sip." Carmelo tells his green haired friend.

"Me?" Dino looks surprised.

Carmelo rolls his eyes. "Are you deaf? Take the first sip."

Dino does, and he chokes a little on it.

"I added too much sour stuff to mine." He says, the stinging sweetness and sour and fizz burning his throat and lungs.

Carmelo laughs. "Man up, dude."

Carmelo takes a sip of his, and, unfortunately swallows it wrong, choking and coughing. 

Francis smiles, a rare occasion. "L."

"L? What the fuck, dude? I choked-" Carmelo starts to say.

"Awww... Carmelo needs to man up." Francis teased.

Carmelo blushed. "Shut the fuck up dude."

Francis didn't reply, and took a sip of his battery acid, and drank half of it without stopping. When he was done, he gracefully wiped his mouth.

"And that is how you do it." He said.

"Emilio, take a sip of yours." Carmelo says.

Emilio bit his tongue. "I'm not supposed to have caffeine as it interferes with my medicine."

Carmelo laughed. "Seems like you're scared." he teased. "Take a sip, nothing bad will happen."

"Ah, if you insist Carmelo." Emilio said, taking a small sip. "It tastes like sugar and caffeine, no wonder those bastard gremlins on the internet like it. By the way Carmelo, that medicine is what keeps me from stabbing you guys, so I'd suggest you be careful."

With that, he took another sip.

The other 3 boy's eyes went wide.

Dino spoke up. "Shit, man, why would you tell him to do that? Don't fuck with the sociopath." He said to Carmelo.

Carmelo sputtered. "I didn't know he was gonna fucking be at risk to murdering us!"

Emilio took another sip, watching the argument play out.

"Hey, Emi, you don't have to drink anymore." Francis said softly to Emilio.

Emilio didn't smile, no one but Tobias could make him do that, but he softly nodded at the emo boy, showing his thankfulness to him. 

"I'm aware of that, Francis, but thank you for saying it anyway. Would you like my cup?" Emilio replied.

Francis nodded, and Emilio gave him his drink, and got water from the kitchen.

The group stayed up until 4 in the morning that night, drinking battery acid and laughing until they were so tired they were delusional. It was an oddly fun way to spend their time. 

"This shit is so good... I want to drink real battery acid sometime." Carmelo said.

(470 words) (Tomorrow night will be one of my last updates for three months.)

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