Poland (Therapy pt. i lost count)

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A/N- shout out to the 18.8136 people living in Poland reading this. (WATTPAD MAY HAVE LIED BUT YOU 18.8136 PEOPLE IN POLAND READING THIS SHOULD TELL ME IF YOU ACTUALLY EXIST)

also tw-mentions of drugs, drunk people, alcohol, sexual assault


Tobias woke up, confused, and with a massive headache.

"Hello Tobias." Emilio greeted Tobias when he woke up.

"EMILIO!?! WHAT THE FUCK?" Tobias screamed, scrambling to get off of Emilio.

"You came to my house extremely drunk and probably drugged and from the sounds of your story, assaulted in... some way. I let you, you fell asleep hugging me." Emilio explained.

"Can I get water?" Tobias asked.

"Of course." Emilio responded. 

He went to his kitchen and got Tobias some water. Tobias drank it quickly.

"After you left a guy and I were talking and he was super nice and stuff, and I had to go to the bathroom and I asked him to hold my drink. When I got back it tasted a bit weird... and then he offered to take me home." Tobias paused as his face went red. "But I didn't go home. We went to his place... and..."

"Please don't tell me what I think happened actually happened." Emilio muttered under his breath.

"We fucked." Tobias started crying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I didn't want to... I'm so stupid, god, I'm SO stupid..."

"Tobias, it's not your fault. I'm not mad at you unless you forced him to do it? Did you?" Emilio said.

"No, I'd never do that, he forced me to..." Tobias responded.

"Then that's sexual assault and of course I'm not mad at you for getting sexually assaulted." Emilio told Tobias.


A/N- id write more but im sooooooooooo tired and its only 9 30

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