Carmelo's Juliet

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"Alright!" Mr. Abi shouted (he's the theater teacher) "you've probably all seen the list of who gets what parts, but just to make sure, I'll tell you all again."

Mr. Abi told everyone what spots they were getting in the play they were performing which was Romeo and Juliet.

At last he came to the last two characters. "For Romeo, we have... Carmelo DeMonte, and for Juliet..."

Please be a girl, please be a girl. Carmelo thought frantically.

"Rudolph Richardson." Mr. Abi finished.

Dammit. Carmelo thought.

"Good job." Tobi whispered to Rudolph who was sitting beside him.

(Tobias and Emilio did not get in, sorry guys)

Mr. Abi gave everyone the script to memorize.

"Alright, get into groups with people who share scenes with you and practice." Mr. Abi told everyone. (I've never done theater, idk how it works, sorry.)

Carmelo went over to Mr. Abi. "Mr. Abi, can I have a different role?"

"Why would you want a different role? Romeo is one of the best roles to have." Mr. Abi told him.

"Yeah, we'll Juliet is being played by a boy, and I'm not kissing him!" Carmelo told Mr. Abi frustrated.

"Well, too bad. Do you want to drop out of the play and loose your extra credit?" Mr. Abi asked him.

"No..." Carmelo mumbled.

"Well then." Mr Abi said. "Go practice."

Carmelo sighed, and found his way over to a group of kids practicing, and joined in, avoiding Rudy.


"Alright, we only have a few weeks, so we're going to start working on the most important scenes. The rest of you, go practice like you did yesterday. I need to speak to Rudolph and Carmelo." Mr. Abi said.

Both Rudolph and Carmelo made their way over to Mr. Abi.

"So... I've been noticed you two aren't getting along to well." Mr. Abi said.

"Sorry." Rudolph said immediately.

"Rudolph, it's not your fault, you have nothing to apologize for." Mr. Abi said, and then turned to Carmelo. "You. Does this have to do with Rudolph being a boy?"

Carmelo didn't answer.

"I'm sorry Carmelo, I'll drop out of the play if you want... and you can find another actor." Rudy said.

"Rudolph, you're one of our best actors, and if we didn't have you as Juliet, we'd have to have another boy as well, because Ivan (he's not a real character I just made up someone) is a very good actor too." Mr. Abi told Carmelo and Rudy.

"I'll do the stupid thing." Carmelo said.

"Thank you." Mr. Abi said.

The rest of the practices went by well, and Carmelo made it through all of the romantic scenes well.

Really well.

Well enough to fool someone that the two were really in love.

Enough that Carmelo began to worry.

"Listen, you don't like me for real, and neither do I. Got that?" Carmelo said accusingly to Rudy.

"Yeah, of course." Rudy said to him.



Mr. Abi was handing out costumes to people so they could go and get changed.

Mr. Abi handed Rudolph his dress, which was beautiful. It was a light purple with gold beads lining the waist.

It had short sleeves.

Not knowing anyone else to go to, Rudy found Carmelo.

"Carmelo, I need help." Rudy told him.

"With what?" Carmelo asked.

"My dress." Rudy replied, showing him the dress.

"What's wrong with it?" Carmelo asked.

"It has short sleeves." Rudy said.

"What?" Carmelo said then paused. "Shit. We'll talk to Mr. Abi about it."

"We can't! They have policies about that sort of stuff!" Rudy told him.

"Relax." Carmelo told him, and then grabbed Rudy's hand, pulling him along to find Mr. Abi.

"There's a problem." Carmelo told Mr. Abi.

"What is it?" Mr. Abi asked, bored, thinking is was going to be about Rudy being a girl.

"Rudolph has to wear a dress with long sleeves." Carmelo told him.

"What's wrong with that dress?" Mr. Abi asked. "Put it on, Rudolph, there's nothing wrong with the sleeves.

"I..." Rudy started.

"Go get dressed in it." Mr. Abi said.

Rudy left to go put the dress on.

"Carmelo, why can't he wear short sleeves?" Mr. Abi asked.

"His arms... he can't show them?" Carmelo said, trying to find any excuse he can.

Rudolph came out in the dress, with a jacket on.

"Rudolph, what's wrong with your arms?" Mr. Abi asked.

Rudy started to cry.

"Rudolph, I'm getting worried." Mr. Abi said. "Are things ok at home? Do your parents abuse you?"

Rudy started crying harder.

Carmelo whispered something in Rudy's ear.

Rudy took off the jacket, just enough for Mr. Abi to see what's wrong.

"Rudolph, thank you for showing me. I'll get you a long sleeve dress. But we need to make sure you're getting help for this, ok?" Mr. Abi said.

Rudy nodded, still crying.

A few seconds later, Mr. Abi came back with a long sleeve dress.

Rudolph changed into it, and stopped crying.

They then did the dress rehearsal which went amazing.

(And the actual play went even better.)

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