Mattias pt. 2

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Thanks to @Its_All_So_Lost_Now , i decided to finish this.

I like the idea of a fanfic including the reader but not in a romantic way.

Also, some code:
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Your Last Name
Anything in this format *content*- you fill it in- example: *your favorite movie*, you'd just imagine it was your favorite movie
GE- Ghost eyes

Enough said, lets go.


Mattias awoke only minutes later, finding himself in the arms of a stranger.

"Mattias? Are you ok?" The stranger asks him.

He fails to answer, taking a second to ponder this strange situation. How did this person know his name? He's never interacted with them. And why would they hug him?

"Um..." Mattias starts. "I guess."

The stranger breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank god. I thought you were dead."

"How did you know my name?" Mattias asks.

"Let's... not talk about that." The stranger says, choosing to keep their secrets.

"What's your name?" He asks, desperate to learn more about this mysterious person.

"My name is Y/N. And I already know all about you." Y/N says, smiling.

A stalker? Father warned me about these types of people. I guess it was my fault for all the times I've strayed from the church.

"How long have you known about me?" Mattias asks, a slight panic in his voice.

Y/N takes a second to remember. "*Year you found GE*".

"What? *Year you found GE* hasn't happened yet! Are you an angel?" Mattias asks, his expression changing from panic to somewhere in between awed and skeptical.

"No, I'm just... lost, I guess." Y/N looks away, sighing, before looking back to Mattias. "I don't live here."

Mattias laughs slightly. "Of course you don't live here. I would've noticed if you lived in the church."

Y/N shakes their head. "No, I mean... I don't live in this universe. You're a..."

"I'm a what?" Mattias asks, tears forming in his eyes.

"Nothing, I can't tell you, it'd ruin everything."

Mattias looks at Y/N with wide sad eyes. Y/N hugs him, trying to make him feel better.

Y/N speaks again. "I didn't mean to make you sad, ok. I'm just trying to get home. It's cool meeting you though. Maybe I'll stay here longer."

Mattias gives a small smile and Y/N's response. "Do you need anything?"

"Can you get Tobias for me?" Y/N asks.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I can." Mattias responds, and walks through the rain to the church.

Y/N is left waiting for him.

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