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No matter the trouble

You heal my broken parts

Every time I struggle

Dazai's POV

"A mission?" That moment, all active members of the Agency step inside my office, and suit themselves as if they were at home. While Naomi and Tanizaki rather sit on a couch for clients, Kenji sits on my table, looking at the President. Kunikida stands next to the silver-haired male, and both Ranpo and Yosano remain quiet in a corner of a room, the female leaning on a wall, and the detective engulfing a bag of snacks.

"Indeed." As the President moves on with his explanation, I can't help but get an eerie feeling. One that sends chills both up and down my spine. "There are rumors that several minor criminal organizations will reunite at the Red Brik Warehouse. Some of them intend to destroy the Armed Detective Agency once they are coordinated and, despite that wouldn't be an easy task, they also have powerful ability users on their lines."

"So, the sooner we solve this, the less inconveniences the Agency will face."

"Exactly." With that, the President turns around to face Ranpo, who after having devoured a full bag of salty crackers looks at us a bit fazed. However, he seems to believe he won't be asked anything, and rapidly goes away as if nothing happened. The President just emits a feeble sigh, and keeps on with his explanation.

"Dazai, Tanizaki, Kunikida. You three will infiltrate the reunion using Tanizaki's special ability. Gather as much information on the ability users there as possible, and if you see it necessary, call for reinforcements to eradicate any possible threat straightaway."

"Moi." With that, he turns around and disappears from my sight, almost as if what I had just witnessed was a product of my imagination. Nevertheless, Kunikida and Tanizaki stay, and that means the mission is real.

"So, what's the plan?" Tanizaki inquires as he nervously scratches the back of his neck, moving his head to one side.

"We'll be using your Light Snow so we are not spotted by anyone when we enter or when we are inside." Kunikida explains as he writes something down on his greenish notebook. "We'll inspect the whole area first and collect the data as Mr. President ordered. If possible, we should capture one ability user to give us more information. To do that, I'll need you to nullify it with your power, Dazai. I'll use the chance to knock him out. Tanizaki, while we do this, make sure nobody notices we have kidnapped one of them. Create an illusion of the chosen individual."


"And about reaching the location..." Kunikida's voice keeps ringing in my ears, but, little by little, it seems to go far, far away. So far at some point I can't hear him anymore.

Why? You may wonder. To be honest, I don't even know myself. It's just that there's something that doesn't feel alright... Once again, my chest feels heavier than usual, and I'm finding it hard to focus. I can't think straight, and despite doing my best to calm down, uneasiness is starting to weigh me down.

"Hey, Dazai, are you even listening!?" the male with glasses scolds me as I feel my eyelids heavier than usual and my thoughts seem to pop up in my mind slower and slower, getting rapidly replaced by a throbbing headache.

"Yeah, yeah." I simply reply, massaging my forehead on the sly.

"Then what was I just saying?"

"Something about the mission." I tell him, standing up and checking the hour. However, when I look at my watch my vision seems to be slightly blurry, and I roughly manage to see it's almost 4 p.m. "Anyway, Kunikiiida-kun. We should start getting ready." I suggest, walking outside the office and feeling a deadly glare on my back. "What should we be wearing? Do you think it will be cold tonight?" I mumble out loud, causing Kunikida to lose his temper.

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