Chapter 5

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We went outside and we were still in shock after Gandalf's death. Hobbits, like me, didn't hide their tears. Kili came up to me. He wanted to hug me so I could calm down, but I refused. I pushed his hands away.

"No, I don't want you to hug me..." I said through tears. I was lying.

Dwarf didn't believe me anyway. After a while, he locked me in a steel embrace, which I reciprocated. I let my emotions explode.

"First Balin and now Gandalf..." I said, still crying. "Why...? Why it all still happens to us...? What are we doing wrong? "

"Shh... " Kili stroked my head. "They died believing in the freedom of Middle-Earth. " My husband said and kissed me on the forehead.

"You... Please, don't leave me. " I asked.

"Never. " He said, still stroking my head. "Never..." Repeated.

The other comrades sat on the rocks and, like us, mourned our friend.

"Legolas, get them up." Aragorn said suddenly. I knew he was also experiencing Gandalf's death, but he didn't let it be known.

"Give them a moment, for pity's sake! " Boromir said.

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with orcs. " Arathorn's son said. "We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Kili, Gimli get them up... " He went to Sam and helped him get up, then went to get Frodo, who stood a few meters away and cried.


We set off on a further journey. As Aragorn said, we went to Lothlórien. We walked for a few hours until we finally reached the place and a beautiful forest appeared to our eyes. We entered it behind Aragorn. We walked goose and tried to keep quiet.

"They say that great sorceress lives in these woods..." Gimli said suddenly. "An elf-witch... Of terrible power. All who looks upon her.. Fall under her spell. And are never seen again. Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. " Talked about himself, and then looked at Kili. "Neither of us, right? "

"Of course. " Kili replied with a smile.

"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox... " Gimli continued, when after a while, after his words, elves appeared out of nowhere. They surrounded us and aimed at us from the bows, just as I did with Kili and Legolas in them.

"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could've shot him in the dark. " Elf said, who looked to be their leader. He had long white hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a typical decorative elf robe.

They took us with them to a place that was even more beautiful.

Around the large white trees winded an ornate staircase on which the elves walked. Various worlds illuminated our way and gave this place an even more beautiful view. After a long journey, we reached the place where we were to meet Lady Galadriel and her husband Celeborn. The couple were the masters of this place.

After a few moments, they appeared. I looked up, and when I looked at the Lady from Lórien I had to close my eyes. The glow emanating from her was dazzling. The lady was beautiful. She had blue eyes and long, golden hair. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that looked as if it was made of pure starlight. Her husband Celeborn, like Mrs. Galadriel, had a white robe and white hair, and blue eyes.

As they approached us, we bowed before them.

"The enemy knows that you've enter here..." Celeborn said. "What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. " Looked at us carefully and then continued. "Ten there are here, yet eleven there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where's Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar. "

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