Trailer Park

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God this game was a lot more intense than you realized. Even you were on the edge of the table, towering over Erica. You two had a pact; you'd blow on the dice for a good roll. You only did it every now and then so the 'luck wouldn't run out'. Pursing your lips together, you gasped as Eddie revealed who they were fighting. Vecna! Someone they apparently had thought was dead.

It was an absolute slaughter, with only two players left alive. Erica, because of your luck, and Dustin, not entirely sure how-

"Time out, time out, time out!" One of the other men screamed. You let out a breath, rubbing the back of your head. As the night had continued, you felt more comfortable to talk to Munson, slowly approaching as the others huddled.

"You're really giving them a workout, huh?"

He smiled, leaning his head on his fists, "Well, I make it my trademark to never let a battle be easy, y/n."

"Clearly," You laughed, leaning over him to see his battle plans. They were well thought out, making you whistle. "How long did this take you to set up? Dustin tells me he takes hours on his."

"Ah, you know Henderson well?" He dodged the question, looking up at you. Trying your best to not stare into his chocolate eyes, you shrugged.

"Well enough. I did just buy y'all like thirty dollars worth of snacks." You both snickered quietly before Eddie turned his attention back to the party, currently debating on retreating or not. You could tell the way his incepted mind was conceiving a sentence, standing up.

"Hey," He exclaimed, catching the attention of the group. "If I may interject, gentlemen...Lady Applejack. Whilst I respect the passion, you may want to take Gareth the Great's concern to heart. There's no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today, kay?" He gave a sweet grin, but you could see what he was doing. Pushing them to continue with sweet denial. It seemed to work, as they re-huddled.

"Just as clever as ever," You muttered to yourself, watching Dustin and Erica. You didn't notice Eddie gazing up at you, carefully pinching his bottom lip. He could swear he knew you. Somewhere, he had seen your face. Those e/c eyes were unforgettable; yet somehow he had.

You grinned at Dustin, nodding to him as he took a deep breath, "Let's kill this son of a bitch."

"It's a suicide missions! The odds are 1/20!"

"Never. Tell me. The odds. Give me the D20," Dustin stated, puffing up his chest as he slung his hand out. You looked down at Eddie, seeing his shit eating grin. You could get used to this.

You watched as they attempted one last time to slaughter the villain before then. You leaned over Munson, biting your lip as you watched the first roll. You sucked in harshly, backing away and gripping your hair in worry.

The party groaned as their Dungeon Master laughed, swaying his head, "That's, a, missssss!"

Erica held the dice hesitantly. She looked to you, immediately understanding what her eyes pleaded. Stepping up to the plate you closed your eyes and wished, lightly blowing on the dice. Holding her shoulder, you watched closely as the dice rolled across the table. Erica and you held your breath, grasping each other's hand. Leaning over the table, everyone was on edge as they waited for the final blow; only who would it be going to?

You gasped as the dice finally stopped, Erica shouting, "It hits!" You screamed excitedly, hugging her and laughing excitedly.

"You did it! You slayed Vecna!" You breathed, everyone patting each other. Eddie bent over the table, giving a slight bow.

After cleaning up, you all headed outside, chatting about the match. You watched from behind, slipping on your jacket.

"Nice patches," The curly dark haired menace called from behind you. "Boyfriend a major metal head, or are you?"

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