Not Heroes

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The moon was high in the sky by the time Steve parked in front of Eddie's trailer. Anxiety at an all time high, you helped trudge weapons and bags into the house, staring up at the gate occasionally. Being so close to it, you could feel Vecna near, putting all effort into pushing him away.

"Let's just, go through it one more time," Nance breathed as everyone was finally in the living room. "Phase one."

"We meet Erica at the playground," Robin stated. "She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready."

"Phase two?" You jumped in.

"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which will put him in a trance," Steve rehearsed, nodding his head. You heart clenched, hands furling into a ball. Max. You hoped she was alright. You hoped they were all ok.

"Phase three?"

"Me, Eddie, and y/n draw the bats away," Responded Henderson, Eddie nudging his shoulder. Smiling warmly, you looked to Robin.

"We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair and...flambé," She grinned, poking her cheek with her tongue.

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied," You asserted, looking over at Steve, accusatory. He rolled his eyes.

"Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what," Wheeler commanded. "Got it?"

"Let's do this," You breathed, exhaling any nerves left. Watching Steve climb, you bit your lip, holding the rope to keep it still. You winced as he fell through, luckily landing on his feet. Sighing in relief you grinned, chuckling proudly. Steve shrugged, going to grab the mattress.

"What does he want us to do, applaud?" Robin scoffed sarcastically. You smirked as Nancy's grin dropped, clearing her throat. God could she be any more obvious? You kept the rope still, watching as everyone climbed through, tossing the occasional weapon before the next person.

Eddie stepped up to the plate, gingerly grasping your hand holding the rope. Smiling assuredly, you kept the rope steady for him to venture on. Tossing the last bag through, you heaved yourself onto the rope, pulling yourself along. Reaching the gate, you grunted, the overbearing presence in your mind getting stronger. Getting dragged down by gravity, your back hit the plush cushion, sighing in relief.

"Y/n." Your eyes snapped open, coming face to face with the cold blue eyes of your grandcousin. "What is it you think you are doing?"

You shot up, gasping in air, Harrington falling back from his position in front of you.

"Holy shit we thought you passed out, are you alright?" Robin crouched down beside you, concern written on her face.

"It's Vecna," You rasped. "When I was going through the portal I must've let my guard down. He doesn't seem to know what we're doing."

Everyone sighed in relief, Eddie kneeling beside you, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm ready to go," Quickly, you stood up, dusting yourself off. "Let's kill this son of a bitch before he gets wise." You helped Steve up, grabbing your shield and staff and throwing it onto the couch with Eddie's and Dustin's.

"Hang on, how can we just stick to the plan!" Robin exclaimed. "Vecna is also clearly still going after y/n! What if he gets her?"

"That won't happen," Nancy assured. "She's been resisting him so far, I trust that she's got it under control."

"Plus," Steve added, throwing on his bag. "She'll be with Eddie. And Dustin. Neither of which will let anything happen to her."

You looked over at them, the two chatting at the door about what the best way to secure the house would be. Smiling, you followed everyone out, ignoring the stinging feeling of somebody watching you.

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