Looking for her

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Eddie had never actually been excited to go into highschool before. He always thought the experience would be awful, all the bullies from middle school become the big dogs and messing with his life even more. Not to mention vindication from teachers who praised a sport that was tossing balls into baskets. Seriously it was ridiculous. He shook his head, fixing his shirt in his reflection. He had to look his best. He touched his barely growing in hair and snatched up his bag.

He was still on a mission.

The halls were so damn crowded. Even if people did move out of the way when he walked past. It was like a sea of hormones and angry teenagers. Searching the crowd, he looked for his friends, and maybe a familiar pair of eyes. The pair of eyes that had been grained into his memory at the talent show. They looked at him so sweetly-

"Eddie!" Jersey whistled, waving him over. Grinning, Munson jogged over.

"You guys see her?" He questioned, breathless. They looked at each other, biting their lips. "What?"

"You didn't exactly give us the best description dude."

"What more description do you need??" He scoffed, flabbergasted. "She's about yeigh-tall, h/c hair, bright e/c eyes, perfect, and beautiful, and perfect-"

"Yeah, again, not super descriptive. Plus, girls won't give us the time of day to ask about her," Reid sighed, Eddie's right hand man. "Still don't know her name?"

Scuffing his foot, Munson rubbed the back of his neck, "No... I couldn't find her in the yearbook."

"Are we sure she even exists?" Gavin groaned. "Or went to our school?"

"Why would she be at our school's talent show if she didn't go to our school," Jersey mocked, whacking the back of his head. "Idiot."

"Alright, battle plan!" Eddie exclaimed, thrashing open his designated locker (with the code on his palm). "We systematically mark off people who aren't her. Anybody that doesn't fit the description gets marked off and we move onto the next group. I mean how hard could it be!"

"Yeah!" Reid encouraged, patting his back. "Plus, you know high school, girls group into factions real quick. Or that's what my brother said."

"Problem, girls still won't give us the time. We're freaks, remember?" Gavin repeated, throwing his hands up.

"We don't have to ask about her, we can just look?" Eddie cocked a brow. "Just don't be creepy about it. Or get caught. I don't need trouble on the first day."

"Got it!" Jersey grinned, crossing his arms. "Mission 'Find the Girl' is a go!" The boys placed their hands together before breaking apart and going in separate directions.

Eddie had high hopes. With all four of them looking, it couldn't be impossible, right?  His smile was bright, and his heart was full.

Yeah. It wouldn't be impossible.

Though over the months, it seemed hopeless. Not only had he never seen you, he didn't hear anything about you. He figured you'd be super popular, at least, he thought you were pretty cool.

"C'mon man, don't give up," Reid pleaded one night at his house. "Maybe she's just not taking classes here freshman year. You know, all those smart kids going over to better schools in the area."

Eddie sighed and bounced a ball off the wall, "I guess. But doesn't that mean she'll stay there?"

"Not always! Sometimes they come back sophomore, or junior year! My sister did that."

"Really?" He picked himself off his bed, heart filling with hope once again.

"Yeah! We'll find her man, I promise. Just, get her name this time, alright?" He shoved him, Munson snorting and pushing him back.

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