Time to Be

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This took me way too long and part of me feels like I should be ashamed of myself, but to be frank I lost the ability to feel shame a long time ago

Enjoy :)

Leading Munson to your room, you prayed it was as clean as you left it. Relief washed over you as your room wasn't a total mess, setting the boxes down beside your dresser.

"Holy shit," Eddir grinned, leaning on the door frame. "I can't believe I'm standing outside of y/n y/l/n's room right now." He gasped and took a dorky little step. "And now I'm inside!"

Giggling you shook your head, compiling a list of things you could donate. Maybe some old stuffed toys, a couple cassettes. Clothes that didn't fit anymore.

"Oh my God you have a Dio poster," He marveled, biting his lip and trying to supress his boyish grin. "You might have to marry me."

"Have to?" You joked, going through a drawer. "Bold of you to assume it'd be against my will."

"Promises, promises," His arms wrapped around your waist as he smooched up your cheek. Laughing, you leaned back against him and held his hands.

"You're far too excited, sit down you big dork," You commanded playfully, turning around in his arms.

"I wanna help," He whined, pouting. It was almost impossible to say no to those brown puppy eyes. Almost.

"You can help by sitting and looking pretty," You hummed, pecking his lips. "I'll be quick I promise."

He sighed through his nose, "Well, lucky for you sitting and looking pretty are my two best school subjects." Releasing you, he plopped down on your bed, looking shocked. He bounced one more time, amazed by the plush of the mattress.

Going through an old chest, you crouched down and pulled out some toys you'd meant to get rid of long ago. You figured starting there would be easiest. Munson watched you from the bed, taking off his shoes so he didn't get your sheets dirty. Your room, much to his surprise, was a lot girlier than he'd expected. Jewelry tossed about, make-up as well, skirts pulled into a chair that looked long neglected. The only time he'd actually seen you in a skirt was when you were cheering. He thought that looked good on you, so a regular skirt definitely would.

Your room was also a lot more Metal than he'd been expecting. Cassettes piled into a box underneath your nightstand, close to the radio you had for easy excess, he assumed. Posters, stickers on the wall, your patch jacket laid down beside him. You were such a sweet enigma to him. A popular girl and a 'freak' like him all at once. Oh how he loved it. He swore to himself to make the guys go to at least one of your practices, just so he could shout 'That's my girlfriend!' when you landed a sick flip.

He adored everything about you. Even these knewly discovered powers, even if they secretly frightened him. Not that he thought you'd hurt him, just, that people would hurt you. People berated the both of you for liking different types of activities; he couldn't imagine what they'd do if they found out you were actually spectacularly different. It gnawed at his insides like spider venom.

"You with me, Eds?" You questioned, looking back at him. How long had he been staring at you? "Eds?"

Snapping out of it, he raised his brows, "Hm? Oh yes, present and accounted for."

Rummaging through your drawer, you pulled out the clothes you wanted to give away, carefully placing them in the box. Eddie sneakily watched as you bent over, sly grin making its away across his face. You really did have a nice ass. It was...cute. Not that he'd say it out loud, just saying it to himself sounded weird. He'd happily think it though.

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