Filling in the Blanks

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"She has powers?!" Eddie exclaimed, they boys stationed outside as you retrieved your belongings. Steve and Dustin shushed him loudly, Eddie realizing how loud he'd said that and frantically looking to see if anybody had heard him. "She has, uh.. powers?"

"Remember that girl with the shaved head we mentioned, that's helped us with this kind of stuff before?" Henderson asked, trying to figure out the best way to phrase things.

"Yeah, why?"

"We think she might be like that," Harrington explained. "Just maybe on a different scale."

"Holy shit," Eddie breathed, pushing his bangs back. "My girlfriend has superpowers."

"Yep," Dustin laughed, eyes crinkling. "You so owe me. Big time."

"Is that why the lights were all blinky?" Munson made the motion with his hands.

"We think so yeah. It's definitely emotion based line Eleven's," Steve shrugged, crossing his arms. "Or something like that. We just gotta figure out what to do with that knowledge."

"Training montage!" Henderson repeated, clapping excitedly.

"Are you guys talking about me," You cocked a brow, amused, carrying all of your stuff. They hadn't even heard you come out of the building.

"Well uh-"

"You see-"

"Yeah," Eddie grinned boyishly. "You have super powers."

Snickering, you shook you head, "What, does that turn you on Mr. Munson?" You joked, handing Harrington your stuff so you could slip your shoes on.

"...It probably shouldn't, right?" He said back cheekily.

"Dude," Henderson cringed. "Gross." You couldn't help but laugh, Eddie putting his hands up defensively.

Harrington rolled his eyes, sly smile dancing on his lips, "I'm driving Henderson down to Wheeler's. Follow me in your van?"

"Yeah, got it covered," Munson smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets. Handing you your things back, Harrington and Henderson headed off, leaving you with Eddie.

Whacking Eddie's chest, you snorted, " 'It probably shouldn't'?"

"What?" He giggled, holding your hand. "The idea is completely hot. My girlfriend has superpowers!" He pulled you into his arms, spinning the both of you. "Superpowers that saved my life, might I add. I nearly became bat chow."

"You don't think's kind of scary?" You said quietly, playing with his hair.

"Scary?" Placing you back down, he gave you a puzzled expression.

"It's just," You pinched the skin between your fingers. "What if I become like him?"

"Y/n, sweetheart," He grabbed your hands, fondly rubbing your knuckles. "You could never be like him. And I could never be scared of you."

You easily smiled, "I love you, Eddie Munson." He seemed taken aback, making you laugh a little. "What?"

"No, it's nothing it's just, usually I say it first," He stated, a contagious grin lifting his cheeks.

"Well get used to it," Lifting yourself up you kissed him earnestly.

He sighed dreamily, pulling away, "As much as I would love to continue kissing you in front of the ER, we should uh, probably head to Wheeler's." He bowed dramatically, tucking his head down. "Your chariot awaits."

"C'mon you dork," You picked up his chin, the man catching himself to walk beside him. He grinned as you laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist. It felt surreal to be back in Hawkins, out in broad daylight with your new boyfriend Eddie Munson. A good kind of surreal.

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