Bonus- Talent Show

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You didn't know why you came to the talent show. All of Hawkins Middle was there, everyone and their mother. Including yours. Which, is the only reason you participated. She wanted you to sing, which you were ok with, but the song? You weren't exactly a fan. The only reason you gave it your all is because you wanted to make your papa proud. He was recording, of course, and well the whole school was there, and your performance anxiety pushed your limit.

After you was a really pretty group of girls, doing a cheer routine. They were actually really good! Definitely cooler then your whole shtick, or at least you thought. You wanted to be absorbed into your chair and disappear, seeing a couple kids looking over at you and snickering. God you wanted to die of embarrassment.

"You did so amazing, honey," You father grinned, patting your hand. Smiling brightly, you sat up in your seat, messing with the ends of your dress. Your mother had only given you a passive smile, but, that was about as much of compliment as she gave. Ignoring the other kids, you clapped as the girls finished up.

The show was kind of boring otherwise. You didn't wanna be rude, but the magic show was kind of bad. But you clapped, because it was nice to do so. Even if you could tell how every trick worked-

A loud scrapping across the stage made you cover your ears, seeing a curly haired kid tugging a drum kit onto stage. Drums? Was it a band. Well, at least you weren't the only one doing music. A couple other kids came onto stage and you raised your head to see better.

In the middle of them stood a boy with a shaved head, carrying a pretty sick looking guitar.

"Hey everybody," He grinned into the microphone. "We're uh, were Corroded Coffin and we're gonna play you a song!" Corroded Coffin? What an interesting name.

"Oh gosh this is going to be loud," You mother scoffed, covering her ears. Confused, you faced the stage again.

It was in fact very loud; louder than you'd been expecting. You covered your ears as the boy slammed down on his drums, wincing. After a moment or two it was bare able and you removed your hands, gaping at the performance before you. It was... incredible. The boy on the drums was great, and the other two were ok, but the boy in the middle really stood out to you. He had the biggest grin on his face, playing his instrument away.

You felt your lips lift into a grin, sitting uo straight to see better. Your father laughed and helped you to see.

"Do you like it?" He asked, rubbing your back.

"Yeah, yeah! It's so cool!" You laughed, gripping the edge of your dress.

"You know what song they're playing?" You shook your head, eyes wide in wonder. "It's called Smoke on the Water."

"Smoke on the Water," You whispered to yourself. It was an interesting piece. Not like Lesley Gore, or Frank Sinatra. But you liked it all the same.

You were almost sad to see the boys leave the stage. You'd never clapped so loudly in your life. If your mother hadn't given you the sternest look, you would have cheered. Shrinking back, you pinched the skin between your fingers. A plan devised in your head and you cleared your throat.

"May I use the restroom?" You asked your mother innocently, batting your eyes.

"Well.. hurry back, they're announcing the winner after this performance," She sighed, standing up to let you into the aisle. Thanking her, you shuffled out, headed towards the exit. Watching her gaze, you sprinted down towards the stage once she wasn't looking, slipping behind the curtain. Was this probably a horrible idea? Maybe.

But you could worry about consequences later.

Quite chatter came from behind and you tip toed over, seeing the buzzed cut boy walk away from his group to set up his instrument. Biting you lip, you shuffled over.

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